Punch,  5 (1843), 212.

The Brightish Association: Section B—Chemistry and Mineralogy  [2/6]



Serial, Proceedings, Spoof


Societies, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Heat, Cultural Geography, Politics, Government

    A parody of the activities of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, this article announces that the president of the 'Chemistry and Mineralogy' Section is Dr Alkey Line and its vice-presidents are the 'Marquis of Coalhampton and Professor Copperas'. A Dr Murphy presents a paper 'On the Heat of Combination' which leads to the conclusion that 'if the salts called "justice for Ireland" be placed in combination with a diluted solution of "government", and elevation of temperature occurs during the decomposition of the former by the latter'. The observed consequences of this reaction include 'Repeal' which, in combination with 'Dannic acid, of the formula O'C' (an allusion to the radical Irish politician Daniel O'Connell) produces much heat. Reports on a paper by Mr Bang on the claim that the shadow of an American clerk remained fixed on a wall for weeks after his death. The claim is supported by 'recent discoveries in Thermography'.

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