Punch,  56 (1869), 34.

Birds, Beasts, and Fishes. Chapter the Second—A Word to the Wise; Principally of a Jolly Old Cock; Also of Mr. Kock Robbins, the Professional Crumb-Eater, and the Macaws  [3/19]



Short Fiction, Drollery, Serial


Animal Behaviour, Human Development, Ornithology

    Noting that 'other Social Zoologists have from time to time exhibited their specimens', introduces 'new species of the old genus, and even the genera themselves, under novel aspects'. Proceeds to describe three social types as if they were animal species. Thus, the 'Jolly Old Cock' is 'a Rare Old Bird' who lives in a 'compact snuggery' and who is welcome to 'drop in' on other families in their 'nests'.

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