Punch,  63 (1872), 246.

A Song About Shooting-Stars





Astronomy, Meteorology

    Ponders the composition of the meteors 'which of late across the sky have shot'. Denies that they are aerolites and proposes that they bear some relation 'to the quantity of water that has floated in the air'. Inspired by reports that 'washy weather' commonly follows the 'celestial fireworks' produced in meteors' 'nocturnal flight'. Notes that some think that Biela's comet has arrived prematurely and 'burst up into' the meteors. Claims that the earth may have had a 'brush' with its tail, thus explaining why 'it has rained cats and dogs like mad'. Notes the persistence of wet and muggy weather despite changes in pressure and wind speed. Believes that the earth may have just had an 'escape' from the comets which 'may but vapour be, or gas'. Expects that the comet, which has 'switched us with its tail', will be seen for earth.

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