Review of Reviews,  15 (1897), 519–28.

The Progress of the World



Regular Feature, Editorial, News-Commentary

Relevant illustrations:



Photography, Technology, Electricity, Accidents, Engineering, Government

    Reflects on the recent 'holocaust of Paris [...] one of the most terrible fire tragedies of modern times', in which over 140 people, 'mostly fashionable ladies' attending a charitable bazaar, were killed (526–27). The terrible fire began when the 'electric current that was used for the purpose of working a Kinematograph set fire to some combustibles in its immediate neighbourhood' (527). Also reports the opening of 'the Blackwall Tunnel, the one great engineering work that the County Council has executed'. The 'tunnel has been five years in the making', and 'Eight hundred men have been employed in the work, the cost of which is £871,000'. (528)

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