Review of Reviews,  18 (1898), 501–07.

The Book of the Month. Dr. Sven Hedin's Adventures on "The Roof of the World". A Thrilling Romance of Real Travel



Regular Feature, Abstract

Publications abstracted:

Hedin 1898

Relevant illustrations:

photo. [2]; eng.; map


Exploration, Travel, Physical Geography, Anthropology

    In the wake of 'a Norwegian who' only last year 'mounted nearer than any human being before him to the summit of the Northern Icecap', now comes 'a Swede who has faced not less appalling dangers while clambering over the Eastern "roof of the world"'. Recounts the details of Sven Hedin's epic journey across Asia and over the Himalayas, on which he was 'Steadily accumulating scientific data for the enlightenment of Western savants'. (501)

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