Science in the 19th Century Periodical

The Academy. A Monthly Record of Literature, Learning, Science and Art [1st]

Introductory Essay
Volume 1  (October 1869 to September 1870)

Section: General Literature and Art

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 6–7.

[Review of Ahmed le Fellah, by Edmond F V About]

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H Lawrenny, pseud.  [Edith J Simcox] Simcox, Edith Jemima (1844–1901) ODNB
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Roll-Hansen, Diderik 1957. The Academy 1869–1879: Victorian Intellectuals in Revolt, Copenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger
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Publications reviewed:

About 1869 About, Edmond 1869. Le fellah: souvenirs d'Egypte, Paris: Hachette
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Imperialism, Agriculture

Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 13–14.

[Review of The Natural History of Creation, by Ernst H P A Haeckel]  [1/2]Thomas H Huxley, '[Review of The Natural History of Creation, by Ernst H P A Haeckel]', Academy, 1 (1869–70), 40–43


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T H Huxley Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Haeckel 1868 Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August 1868. Natürliche Schöfungs-Geschichte: Gemeinverstandliche wissenschaftliche vortrage uber die entwickelungslehre im allgemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck im besonderen, Berlin: G.Reimer
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Biology, Evolution, Comparative Anatomy, Science Communication, Spontaneous Generation, Descent, Metaphysics, Agnosticism, Morphology, Philosophy

People mentioned:

Charles R Darwin, Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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Carl Gegenbaur, Gegenbaur, Carl (1826–1903) DSB
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Immanuel Kant Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804) DSB
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Publications cited:

Haeckel 1866, Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August 1866. Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. Allgemeine Grundzüge der organischen Formen-Wissenschaft, mechanisch begründet durch die von C. Darwin reformirte Descendenz-Theorie, Berlin: G. Reimer
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Darwin 1859 Darwin, Charles Robert 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, London: John Murray
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    Demonstrating his 'sense of the value' of Ernst H P A Haeckel's Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August (1834–1919) DSB
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book (which is intended for 'an educated public') by noting 'down some of the more important criticisms which have been suggested to me by its perusal' (13), Huxley examines the concepts of phylogeny and dysteleology, as well as Haeckel's views on the influence of external and internal conditions on the tendency to vary in a given organism. He also suggests that neither the teleological nor the mechanical view of nature can afford an adequate explanation of the final causes of things, and instead advises an agnostic position: 'why trouble oneself about matters which are out of reach when the working of the mechanism itself, which is of infinite practical importance, affords scope for all our energies?' (14).

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 14–15.

[Review of Facts and Arguments for Darwin, by Fritz Müller]

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John Lubbock Lubbock, Sir John, 4th Baronet and 1st Baron Avebury (1834–1913) DSB ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Müller 1869 Müller, Fritz 1869. Facts and Arguments for Darwin, trans. by W. S. Dallas, London: John Murray
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Evolution, Darwinism, Controversy, Creation, Biology

People mentioned:

William S Dallas, Dallas, William Sweetland (1824–90) WBI
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Fritz Müller, Müller, Fritz (Johann Friedrich Theodor) (1822–97) DSB
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Louis Agassiz, Agassiz, Louis (Jean Louis Rodolphe) (1807–73) DSB
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Charles R Darwin Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 15–16.

A New Work by Mr Darwin

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Announcement, Literary Notice


Evolution, Descent, Human Species, Morality

People mentioned:

Charles R Darwin Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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Publications cited:

Darwin 1859, Darwin, Charles Robert 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, London: John Murray
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[Darwin 1871a], Darwin, Charles Robert 1871a. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, London: John Murray
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[Darwin 1872] Darwin, Charles Robert 1872. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, London: John Murray
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 16.

Natural History, &c

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Deep Sea Life


Biology, Physical Geography, Geology, Invertebrate Zoology

People mentioned:

William B Carpenter, Carpenter, William Benjamin (1813–85) DSB
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Thomas H Huxley, Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Charles W Thomson Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville (1830–82) DSB
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[2] Skull-Measurement


Ethnology, Race

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 16.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Fertilization of Plants


Botany, Horticulture

People mentioned:

Charles R Darwin, Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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Friedrich Hildebrand Hildebrand, Friedrich (1835–1915) WBI
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[2] Unsown Crops



People mentioned:

George Bentham Bentham, George (1800–84) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

Linnean Society Linnean Society
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 16–17.

Chemistry and Physics

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Atomic Theory


Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Astronomy, Metallurgy

People mentioned:

Alexander W Williamson Williamson, Alexander William (1824–1904) DSB
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[2] New Researches into the Coal-Tar Colours


Organic Chemistry

People mentioned:

August W von Hofmann, Hofmann, August Wilhelm von (1818–92) DSB
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Adolf J F W von Baeyer Baeyer, Adolf Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von (1835–1917) DSB
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[3] Continuity of Gases and Liquid States of Matter


Gas Chemistry

People mentioned:

Thomas Andrews Andrews, Thomas (1813–85) DSB
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[4] The Yeast Fungus



People mentioned:

Alfred M Mayer Mayer, Alfred Marshall (1836–97) DSB
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[5] The Eclipse of Aug. 7



People mentioned:

Edward C Pickering Pickering, Edward Charles (1846–1919) DSB
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[6] Thomas Graham, M.A., F.R.S.


Chemistry, Metallurgy

People mentioned:

Thomas Graham Graham, Thomas (1805–69) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 17–18.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Dragon of Lyme Regis


Palaeontology, Geology

People mentioned:

William Buckland, Buckland, William (1784–1856) DSB
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Richard Owen Owen, Richard (1804–92) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

British Museum British Museum
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Publications cited:

Buckland 1836 Buckland, William 1836. Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology, 2 vols, Bridgewater Treatises, 6, London: William Pickering
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[2] A New Stalactite Cave


Geology, Human Species

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Section: General Literature and Art

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 35–36.

Anglo-Indian Books

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A Grant Grant, Sir Alexander, 10th Baronet 'of Dalvey' (1826–84) ODNB
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Imperialism, Agriculture, Political Economy

Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 40–43.

[Review of The Natural History of Creation, by Ernst H P A Haeckel]  [2/2]Thomas H Huxley, '[Review of The Natural History of Creation, by Ernst H P A Haeckel]', Academy, 1 (1869–70), 13–14


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T H Huxley Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Haeckel 1868 Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August 1868. Natürliche Schöfungs-Geschichte: Gemeinverstandliche wissenschaftliche vortrage uber die entwickelungslehre im allgemeinen und diejenige von Darwin, Goethe und Lamarck im besonderen, Berlin: G.Reimer
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Geology, Palaeontology, Taxonomy, Evolution, Comparative Anatomy, Descent

People mentioned:

Vladimir O Kovalevsky, Kovalevsky, Vladimir Onufrievich (1842–83) DSB
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John Goodsir Goodsir, John (1814–67) DSB
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    Beginning with geology, the 'only one point upon which I fundamentally and entirely disagree with Professor Haeckel Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August (1834–1919) DSB
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' (40), Huxley continues his examination of The Natural History of Creation. Rejecting Haeckel's conception of intervals between the various geological epochs of which no records exist, he points to the actual extent of the completeness of the geological record, as well as the fact that the crocodilian, lacertilian, and chelonian Reptilia 'form of terrestrial life persisted, throughout all these ages, with no important modification' (41). In addition, he also indicates numerous problems with the taxonomy based on Haeckel's concept of phylogeny. Nevertheless, Huxley finishes the second notice by stating 'I do not like to conclude without reminding the reader of my entire concurrence with the general tenor and spirit of the work, and of my high estimate of its value' (43).

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 43–44.

[Review of Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, by James Mill]

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Edward Caird Caird, Edward (1835–1908) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Mill 1869 Mill, James 1869. Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind: A New Edition, London: Longmans, Green
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Associationism, Physiological Psychology, Philosophy

People mentioned:

James Mill, Mill, James (1773–1836) ODNB
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John S Mill, Mill, John Stuart (1806–73) DSB
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John Locke, Locke, John (1632–1704) DSB
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Alexander Bain, Bain, Alexander (1818–1903) DSB
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George Berkeley Berkeley, George (1685–1753) DSB
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Publications cited:

Kant 1781 Kant, Immanuel 1781. Critik der reinen Vernunft, Riga: J. F. Hartnoch
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    Critical review of 'the foremost representatives of the psychology of association', contending that their attempt to 'apply scientific methods to mind' (43) in fact 'has many points in common with what is often supposed by its supporters to be its greatest adversary, the philosophy of Kant Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804) DSB
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' (44).

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 45.

Guglielmo Libri

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Mathematics, History of Science

People mentioned:

Guglielmo Libri Libri, Guglielmo (1802–69) ODNB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 45.


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Announcement, Literary Notice


Publishing, Periodicals, Science Communication

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 45–46.

Geology, Natural History, &c.

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The "Rukh" of Madagascar


Palaeontology, Extinction, Ornithology

People mentioned:

Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore (1805–61) DSB
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Richard Owen, Owen, Richard (1804–92) DSB
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Marco Polo Polo, Marco (1254–1324) CBD
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Institutions mentioned:

Académie des sciences, Paris, Académie des Sciences, Paris
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Jardin des Plantes, Paris, Jardin des Plantes, Paris
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British Museum British Museum
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[2] East and West Sides of Mountain Chains


Geology, Physical Geography

[3] The Perforated Implements of the Stone Period


Archaeology, Anthropology, Human Species

People mentioned:

John Lubbock Lubbock, Sir John, 4th Baronet and 1st Baron Avebury (1834–1913) DSB ODNB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 46–47.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Evaporation of Water from Vegetables


Light, Experiment

[2] Irritability of Stamens



[3] Spontaneous Currents in Plants


Cell Biology, Materialism

[4] Gases Exhaled by Fruit



[5] Edible Fungi


Nutrition, Horticulture

People mentioned:

Miles J Berkeley, Berkeley, Miles Joseph (1803–89) DSB
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Worthington G Smith Smith, Worthington George (1835–1917) ODNB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 47.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Nerves of the Liver


Physiological Chemistry, Cell Biology, Microscopy

People mentioned:

Eduard F W Pflüger Pflüger, Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm (1829–1910) DSB
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[2] Corti's Rods


Anatomy, Sound

People mentioned:

Hermann von Helmholtz Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821–94) DSB
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[3] On Certain Limits of Vision


Anatomy, Light

[4] The Structureless Matrix of the Convolutions of the Brain


Neurology, Embryology, Cell Biology

[5] Starch in Muscles


Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Claude Bernard Bernard, Claude (1813–78) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 47–48.

Spectrum Analysis, Chemistry, &c.

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Winnecke's Comet


Astronomy, Light, Organic Chemistry

People mentioned:

William Huggins Huggins, Sir William (1824–1910) DSB ODNB
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[2] Zöllner's Reversion-Spectroscope


Spectroscopy, Instruments, Light, Astronomy

People mentioned:

Johann K F Zöllner Zöllner, Johann Karl Friedrich (1834–82) DSB
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[3] Different Sizes of Drops


Physical Chemistry, Measurement, Experiment

People mentioned:

Georg H Quincke Quincke, Georg Hermann (1834–1924) DSB
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[4] Condensation of Phosgene Gas


Gas Chemistry

[5] A New Agent for Procuring Sleep


Chemistry, Anaesthesia, Mesmerism

People mentioned:

Mathias E O Liebreich Liebreich, Mathias Eugen Oskar (1839–1908) WBI
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Section: Postscript

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 60.

Livingstone's Discoveries

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H W Bates Bates, Henry Walter (1825–92) DSB
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Exploration, Imperialism, Discovery, Physical Geography, Wonder, Ethnology

People mentioned:

David Livingstone Livingstone, David (1813–73) ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

Royal Geographical Society Royal Geographical Society
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Section: Theology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 67–68.

[Review of Introduction to the Study of Dogmatic Theology, by Johannes von Kuhn]

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H N Oxenham Oxenham, Henry Nutcombe (1829–88) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Kuhn 1859 Kuhn, Johannes von 1859–62. Katholische Dogmatik, 2 vols, Tübingen: H. Laupp
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Religious Authority, Reasoning

Institutions mentioned:

University of Tübingen University of Tübingen
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    In dogmatic theology 'revelation is given in the forms of human thought' and 'if it ever seems to contradict the primary revelation of natural science, this is owing to an error of the fallible human intelligence which misapprehends it [...]. Reason may, accordingly, be used in a negative sense to verify revelation' (68).

Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 73–74.

Letter of Sir Isaac Newton

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John Addington Symonds, Junr, Clifton, Bristol Symonds, John Addington (1840–93) ODNB
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/ Is Newton Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727) DSB
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/ Ed, pseud.  [Charles E C B Appleton] Appleton, Charles Edward Cutts Birchall (1841–79) ODNB
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Letter, Introduction / Letter / Editorial

Relevant illustrations:



History of Science, Sound, Physics, Mathematics, Light

People mentioned:

Isaac Newton, Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727) DSB
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John North, North, John (1645–83) ODNB
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David Brewster, Brewster, Sir David (1781–1868) DSB ODNB
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Edward Sabine Sabine, Edward (1788–1883) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

University of Cambridge, University of Cambridge
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Royal Society Royal Society of London
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Publications cited:

Brewster 1831 Brewster, David 1831. The Life of Sir Isaac Newton, London: John Murray
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 74.

[Review of The Development of the Idea of Chemical Composition, by Alexander C Brown]

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John Ferguson Ferguson, John (1838–1916) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Brown 1869 Brown, Alexander Crum 1869. The Development of the Idea of Chemical Composition: Inaugural Lecture Delivered on Third November 1869, Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas
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History of Science, Alchemy, Chemistry, Theory, Error

People mentioned:

Robert Boyle, Boyle, Hon Robert (1627–91) DSB ODNB
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Johann J Becher, Becher, Johann Joachim (1635–82) DSB
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Georg E Stahl, Stahl, Georg Ernst (1660–1734) DSB
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Joseph Black, Black, Joseph (1728–99) DSB
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Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent (1743–94) DSB
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Joseph Priestley Priestley, Joseph (1733–1804) DSB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 76.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Structure of Muscular Fibre


Morphology, Dissection

People mentioned:

C A Victor Hensen, Hensen, (Christian Andreas) Victor (1835–1924) DSB
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Emil H Du Bois-Reymond Du Bois–Reymond, Emil Heinrich (1818–96) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 76–77.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Leaves and Carbonic Acid


Botany, Light, Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Jean B J D Boussingault Boussingault, Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonné (1802–87) DSB
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[2] Isolation of Ethyl-Vinyl



[3] Investigations of Alkaloids



[4] Constitution of Tyrosin



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 77.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Heat Evolved by Neutralising Acids



People mentioned:

Hans P J J Thomsen Thomsen, Hans Peter Jörgen Julius (1826–1909) DSB
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[2] Petroleum in Locomotives


Industrial Chemistry, Machinery, Transport, Technology

[3] Heat of the Moon


Heat, Astronomy, Measurement, Instruments

People mentioned:

William Thomson (1st Baron Kelvin) Thomson, Sir William (Baron Kelvin of Largs) (1824–1907) DSB
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[4] Blue Colour of Water


Light, Instruments

People mentioned:

John Tyndall Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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[5] The Phosphoriscope



[6] Over-Heating by Steam



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 77.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Leaves of Conifers


Botany, Evolution

Institutions mentioned:

American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
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[2] Acclimatisation of Forest Trees


Horticulture, Climatology

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Section: General Literature and Art

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 94–95.

[Review of Vikram and the Vampire, by Richard F Burton]

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H Lawrenny, pseud.  [Edith J Simcox] Simcox, Edith Jemima (1844–1901) ODNB
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Roll-Hansen, Diderik 1957. The Academy 1869–1879: Victorian Intellectuals in Revolt, Copenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger
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Publications reviewed:

Burton 1870 Burton, Richard F 1870. Vikram and the Vampire; or, Tales of Hindu Devilry, London: Longmans, Green and Co.
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Supernaturalism, Materialism, Science Fiction, Anti-Scientism, Imperialism

    Describes a story concerning 'a quadruped-Frankenstein, a supernatural tiger, destroying the Wagners who created him', and complains at the incongruity of a Jayasthalian guru being described as 'a physiologico-philosophico-psychologico-materialist' (94).

Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 99–101.

[Review of First Book of Indian Botany, by Daniel Oliver, and Flora of Middlesex, by Henry Trimen and William T Thiselton-Dyer]

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Alfred W Bennett Bennett, Alfred William (1833–1902) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Oliver 1869, Oliver, Daniel 1869. First Book of Indian Botany, London: Macmillan & Co
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Trimen and Dyer 1869 Trimen, Henry and Thiselton-Dyer, William 1869. Flora of Middlesex: A Topographical and Historical Account of the Plants Found in the County, London: Robert Hardwicke
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Botany, Biogeography, Philosophy, Imperialism, Mapping, Biological Diversity, Evolution, Geology, Lecturing, Anatomy, Education, Science Communication, Taxonomy, Textbooks

People mentioned:

George Bentham, Bentham, George (1800–84) DSB
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Daniel Oliver Oliver, Daniel (1830–1916) ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

British Association, British Association for the Advancement of Science
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Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew
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Publications cited:

Hooker 1853, Hooker, Joseph Dalton 1853. Introductory Essay to the Flora of New Zealand, London: Reeve
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Oliver 1864 Oliver, Daniel 1864. Lessons in Elementary Botany, London and Cambridge: Macmillan & Co
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    Reports that recent developments in 'Geographical Botany' reject the 'old assumption [...] that every species has been placed by nature in the region of the earth which is best adapted for its healthy growth and rapid propagation'. Rather, the experience of 'recent colonization', as well as the work of Joseph D Hooker Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton (1817–1911) DSB ODNB
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on insular floras and Alfred R Wallace Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823–1913) DSB
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on the differing populations of islands in the Malayan Archipelago, have drawn attention to 'the facility or difficulty of the means of communication' between the floras of different continents. (99) Notes that 'The bearing of these facts on the theory of the origin of new species by isolation and gradually increased differentations from the parent type need not be pointed out'. Botany teachers have come to 'recognise the principle that "clinical" instruction, so to speak, is as necessary in acquiring a knowledge of vegetable as of animal anatomy' and 'the lecturer must have at his command abundance of fresh specimens of the orders he is describing'. It is an 'inconvenience' that this approach is impossible in text-books. (100)

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 102.

To the Editor of The Academy

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James R Thursfield Thursfield, Sir James Richard (1840–1923) ODNB
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Ancient Authorities, Error

People mentioned:

William Whewell, Whewell, William (1794–1866) DSB
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Aristotle Aristotle (384–322 BC) DSB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 102.

Geology and Palaeontology

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] New American Fossils


Palaeontology, Extinction

People mentioned:

Joseph Leidy Leidy, Joseph (1823–91) DSB
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[2] Palaeontology of the Quaternary Strata of Paris


Palaeontology, Human Species

[3] Antiquity of Man in the United States


Palaeontology, Human Species, Race

People mentioned:

Charles Lyell Lyell, Sir Charles, 1st Baronet (1797–1875) DSB ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association for the Advancement of Science
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 102–03.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Causes and Cure of Miasma


Statistics, Disease, Public Health, Putrefaction

Institutions mentioned:

International Medical Congress International Medical Congress
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[2] Does with Horns



[3] The Anatomy and Physiology of the Blow-fly



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 103.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Sleep of Plants



[2] Fungi on Insects


Entomology, Disease, Agriculture

[3] Hermaphroditism in Plants Normally Unisexual


Botany, Sex

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 103–04.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] New Theory of the Formation of Urea in the Organism


Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Karl L W O Schultzen, Schultzen, Karl Ludwig Wilhelm Otto (1837–75) WBI
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Marceli Nencki Nencki, Marceli (1847–1901) DSB
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[2] Transformations of Urea


Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

August W von Hofmann Hofmann, August Wilhelm von (1818–92) DSB
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[3] Varieties of Lactic Acid


Physiological Chemistry

[4] Poisoning by Phosphorus


Physiological Chemistry, Experiment

[5] Preservation and Improvement of Wine by Electricity


Industrial Chemistry, Serendipity

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 104.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Wave-length of the Spectrum


Spectroscopy, Measurement

[2] Electrical Currents in Fluids



[3] Movements of Floating Solids



[4] Approach Caused by Vibration


Mechanics, Dynamics

[5] A New Pyrometer


Instruments, Measurement

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 104–05.

Miscellaneous Intelligence

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Regular Feature, News-Digest


Institutions, Patronage, Geology, Botany, Publishing, Putrefaction, Zoology, Cell Biology

People mentioned:

Thomas Graham, Graham, Thomas (1805–69) DSB
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Charles W Thomson, Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville (1830–82) DSB
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Leonardo Da Vinci, Da Vinci, Leonardo (1452–1519) DSB
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Henri V Regnault, Regnault, Henri Victor (1810–78) DSB
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Joseph Lister, Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister (1827–1912) DSB ODNB
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Theodor A H Schwann, Schwann, Theodor Ambrose Hubert (1810–82) DSB
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Louis Pasteur, Pasteur, Louis (1822–95) DSB
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Michael Sars, Sars, Michael (1805–69) DSB
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Saloman Stricker, Stricker, Saloman (1834–98) WBI
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Max J S Schultze, Schultze, Max Johann Sigismund (1825–74) DSB
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Peter M Duncan Duncan, Peter Martin (1824–91) ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

Académie des sciences, Paris, Académie des Sciences, Paris
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Geological Survey of Ireland, Geological Survey of Ireland
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English Geological Survey, English Geological Survey
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Royal Society, Royal Society of London
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University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh
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Section: Geography and History

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 105–07.

[Review of New Tracks in America, by William A Bell]

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H W Bates Bates, Henry Walter (1825–92) DSB
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Publications reviewed:

Bell 1869 Bell, William A 1869. New Tracks in North America. A Journal of Travel and Adventure Whilst Engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean During 1867–8, London: Chapman and Hall
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Physical Geography, Railways, Photography, Climatology, Geology, Ethnology, Mineralogy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 107-08.

[Review of Geographie von Griechenland, by Conrad Bursian]

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H F Tozer Tozer, Henry Fanshawe (1829–1916) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Bursian 1862 Bursian, Conrad 1862. Geographie von Griechenland, Leipzig: Teubner
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Physical Geography, Mapping, Comparative Philology

Section: Oriental Philology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 111.

[Review of El-Kazwîni's Kosmographie, by Hermann Ethé]

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M J De Goeje Goeje, Michaël Jan de (or Michiel Johannes) (1836–1909) WBI
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Publications reviewed:

Ethé 1868 Ethé, Hermann 1868. El-Kazwîni's Kosmographie, Leipzig
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Creation, Natural History, Ancient Authorities

    In this Arabic cosmography 'man, with his intellectual and bodily properties' is included in the sub-kingdom of animals. Notes that 'By the side of much that is of scientific importance, there is much that is exaggerated and even grotesque', and warns that 'The reader who is unacquainted with Arabic should [...] be cautioned not to form an estimate of Arabic science from Kazwînî al-Qazwīnī, Zakariyā ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmūd abu yahya (c. 1203–1283) DSB
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'. (111)

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Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 128–30.

[Review of On the Hypotheses Upon Which Geometry is Based, by Georg F B Riemann]

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H Helmholtz Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821–94) DSB
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Publications reviewed:

Riemann 1867 Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard 1867. Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Göttingen: in der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung
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Mathematics, Metaphysics, Popularization, Ancient Authorities, Hypothesis, Truth, Astronomy

People mentioned:

Euclid, Euclid (fl. 295 BC) DSB
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Carl F Gauss, Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777–1855) DSB
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Eugenio Beltrami, Beltrami, Eugenio (1835–1900) DSB
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Nikolai I Lobachevsky, Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich (1792–1856) DSB
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Thomas Young, Young, Thomas (1773–1829) DSB
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James C Maxwell Maxwell, James Clerk (1831–79) DSB
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    Helmholtz claims that the conflicting axioms of geometry 'may be made generally interesting to all who have studied even the elements of mathematics', and attempts 'to give here the general drift and the results of these investigations, as far as it is possible to do so, without entering into mathematical calculations or using formulæ' (128). After examining the non-Euclidean forms of geometry put forward by Georg F B Riemann Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard (1826–66) DSB
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, Helmholtz concludes that 'the axioms on which our geometrical system is based, are no necessary truths, depending solely on irrefragible laws of our thinking. On the contrary, other systems of geometry may be developed with perfect logical consistency. Our axioms are, indeed, the scientific expression of a most general fact of experience, the fact, namely, that in our space bodies can move freely without altering their form. From this fact of experience it follows, that our space is a space of constant curvature, but the value of this curvature can be found only by actual measurements' (130).

See also:

Richards 1988 Richards, Joan L. 1988. Mathematical Visions: The Pursuit of Geometry in Victorian England, San Diego: Academic Press
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, 78–85

Subsection: Intelligence

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 131.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Physiological Effects of Prussic Acid


Physiological Chemistry, Vivisection, Medical Treatment, Pharmaceuticals

People mentioned:

Thierry W Preyer Preyer, Thierry William (1841–97) DSB
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[2] Antidote to Poisoning by Strychnine


Physiological Chemistry, Medical Treatment, Pharmaceuticals

People mentioned:

Mathias E O Liebreich Liebreich, Mathias Eugen Oskar (1839–1908) WBI
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[3] Functions of the Nerve-Centres of the Frog


Dissection, Vivisection, Anatomy, Materialism

People mentioned:

Friedrich L Goltz Goltz, Friedrich Leopold (1834–1902) DSB
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[4] Origin of Animal Electricity


Controversy, Dissection, Vivisection, Anatomy, Electricity

People mentioned:

Emil H Du Bois-Reymond Du Bois–Reymond, Emil Heinrich (1818–96) DSB
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[5] The Sense of Smell


Pathology, Anatomy

People mentioned:

John W Ogle Ogle, John William (1824–1905) ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 131–32.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Electricity of Plants


Botany, Electricity

[2] Movements of Chlorophyll


Light, Microscopy, Cell Biology

People mentioned:

Edouard E Prillieux, Prillieux, Edouard Ernest (b. 1829) WBI
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Adolphe T Brongniart Brongniart, Adolphe-Théodore (1801–76) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 132.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] New Theory of Fermentation


Controversy, Spontaneous Generation, Vitalism

People mentioned:

Justus von Liebig, Liebig, Justus von (1803–73) DSB
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Louis Pasteur Pasteur, Louis (1822–95) DSB
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[2] Solid Sulphide of Carbon


Organic Chemistry

[3] Change of Bread into Flesh


Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Justus von Liebig Liebig, Justus von (1803–73) DSB
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[4] Analysis of Sea-Water



People mentioned:

John Hunter Hunter, John (1843–72) WBI
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 132.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Electric Light in Vacuum


Electricity, Light, Experiment, Instruments

People mentioned:

Johann C Poggendorff Poggendorff, Johann Christian (1796–1877) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 132.

Miscellaneous Intelligence

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Regular Feature, News-Digest


Exhibitions, Zoological Gardens, Societies, Publishing, Palaeontology, Lecturing

Institutions mentioned:

Brighton Aquarium Company, Brighton Aquarium Company
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Liverpool Zoological Society Liverpool Zoological Society
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Publications cited:

Hooker 1855 Hooker, Joseph Dalton 1855. Flora Indica: Being a Systematic Account of the Plants of British India, Together with Observations on the Structure and Affinities of their Natural Orders and Genera, London: Reeve
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Section: Oriental and Comparative Philology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 136–37.

[Review of On the Origin of Language, by Wilhelm H I Bleek]

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Th Benfey Benfey, Theodor (1809–81) CBD
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Publications reviewed:

Bleek 1869 Bleek, Wilhelm H I 1869. On the Origin of Language, ed. by Ernst H P A Haeckel, trans. Thomas Davidson, London: Williams and Norgate
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Human Species, Descent, Human Development, Comparative Philology

People mentioned:

Wilhelm H I Bleek Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel (1827–75) ODNB
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    Advises that 'However we may explain the origin of man (whether by tracing it to a species of ape, or in any other way,—we need not enter into this question, as it is still a moot point among naturalists)—man first properly became man' only when he acquired the related capacities to think and speak. The evolutionary study of thought and language 'can only form a subject of investigation for those who are convinced of the descent of man from some kind of animal, and they form for those a portion of the researches on the transformations, which brought about the transition of this animal into man'. (137)

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Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 152–54.

[Review of The Philippine Islands and their Inhabitants, by Carl G Semper]

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H W Bates Bates, Henry Walter (1825–92) DSB
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Publications reviewed:

Semper 1869 Semper, Carl Gottfried 1869. Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner, Würzburg: A Stuber
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Disciplinarity, Physical Geography, Geology, Oceanography, Biogeography, Darwinism, Theory, Ethnology

    Review of Carl G Semper's Semper, Carl Gottfried (1832–93) DSB
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'observations in several branches of knowledge of general interest' (152–53). Particular attention is paid to 'the author's attempt to invalidate the theory of Mr. Darwin Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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, which, as is well known, accounts for the formation of atolls and barrier reefs [...] by the supposition that the submarine foundation from which the reefs have grown has been gradually sinking, the atolls representing cases where the last peak of encircled land has disappeared beneath the waters'. However, Semper's observation of the formation of atolls in regions which are gradually rising 'cannot be admitted as an important objection to a theory which explains the wonderful phenomenon of countless atolls, without a single peak of elevated land, spread over a tract of ocean in the Pacific 4000 miles in length'. (153)

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 154–55.

[Review of How Crops Grow, by Samuel W Johnson]

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M J Berkeley Berkeley, Miles Joseph (1803–89) DSB
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Publications reviewed:

Johnson 1869 Johnson, Samuel William 1869. How Crops Grow: A Treatise on the Chemical Composition, Structure, and Life of the Plant for Agricultural Students, London: Macmillan & Co
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Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Agriculture, Education, Science Communication

Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 155–56.

Animal Physiology

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Structure of the Liver


Microscopy, Cell Biology

People mentioned:

Karl E K Hering Hering, Karl Ewald Konstantin (1834–1918) DSB
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[2] Scales of Lepidoptera


Microscopy, Instruments

Institutions mentioned:

Microscopical Society Microscopical Society
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[3] Anthropophagi


Physiology, Human Species

[4] The Gregarinadæ


Cell Biology, Microbiology

[5] Structure of the Muscle


Physiology, Error, Controversy

People mentioned:

C A Victor Hensen, Hensen, (Christian Andreas) Victor (1835–1924) DSB
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Ernst L Krause Krause, Ernst Ludwig (1839–1903) DSB
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[6] Fauna of Round Island



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 156.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Cinchona Cultivation



[2] Alternation of Generation in Fungi


Agriculture, Disease

[3] Variegation of Leaves


Agriculture, Disease

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 156–57.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Condensation of Combinations of Carbon with Separation of Water, and Their Importance in Plant Life


Organic Chemistry, Botany

[2] The Luminosity of Phosphorus


Chemistry, Light

[3] Diamonds


Heat, Mineralogy, Mining

People mentioned:

John Tyndall Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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[4] Jargonium


Mineralogy, Experiment, Light

People mentioned:

Henry C Sorby Sorby, Henry Clifton (1826–1908) DSB
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[5] The Water Type


Chemistry, Controversy, Analogy

People mentioned:

James A Wanklyn Wanklyn, James Alfred (1834–1906) DSB
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[6] Detection of Arsenic in Fuschine


Chemistry, Adulteration

[7] Conversion of Crystalline Sulphur into the Amorphous Modification


Chemistry, Light

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 157–58.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Radiation, Absorption, and the Reflection of Heat at Low Temperatures


Heat, Light, Experiment

People mentioned:

Gustav R Kirchhoff, Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (1824–87) DSB
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Robert W E Bunsen, Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard (1811–99) DSB
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Heinrich G Magnus Magnus, Heinrich Gustav (1802–70) DSB
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[2] Expansion of Water in Freezing


Experiment, Controversy

[3] Molecular Movement


Microscopy, Electricity

People mentioned:

William S Jevons Jevons, William Stanley (1835–82) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester
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[4] A New Electro-Typographic Machine


Telegraphy, Railways, Machinery, Technology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 158.

Miscellaneous Intelligence

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Newton-Pascal Papers


History of Science, Astronomy, Authorship, Imposture

People mentioned:

Isaac Newton, Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727) DSB
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Blaise Pascal Pascal, Blaise (1623–62) DSB
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Section: Classical and Modern Philology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 166–68.

[Review of Die harmonischen Fragmente des Aristoxenus, by Paul Marquard]

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D B Monro Monro, David Binning (1836–1905) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Marquard 1868 Marquard, Paul, ed. 1868. Die harmonischen Fragmente des Aristoxenus, Berlin: Weidmann
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Music, Mathematics, Ancient Authorities, Sound

People mentioned:

Aristotle, Aristotle (384–322 BC) DSB
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Hermann von Helmholtz Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821–94) DSB
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Section: Theology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 178–79.

[Review of Theologische Ethik, by Richard Rothe]

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John Gibb Gibb, John (1835–1915) WBI
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Publications reviewed:

Rothe 1867–71 Rothe, Richard 1867–71. Theologische Ethik, 5 vols,Wittenberg: Zimmermann
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Morality, Christianity, Piety, Reasoning, Theosophy

    Theological ethics afford a 'mediating sphere' for 'the old positive Christian piety' and the 'scientific conscience'. Richard Rothe's Rothe, Richard (1799–1867) WBI
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book does not accept 'as some do on both sides, that all such attempts at mediation are vain'. Rather, it aims to 'present a Christian theory of the world which the exact thinker and the devout Christian could alike accept'. In this view God exists in man's 'consciousness'. The 'logical examination of this thought of God [...] yields to the ethical speculator a true knowledge of God'. (178)

Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 181–82.

[Review of Recherches Historiques sur le Principe d'Archimède, by Charles Thurot]

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H J S Smith Smith, Henry John Stephen (1826–83) DSB
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Publications reviewed:

Thurot 1869 Thurot, Charles 1869. Recherches Historiques sur le Principe d'Archimède, Paris: Didier
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History of Science, Mathematics, Theory, Ancient Authorities, Metaphysics, Error, Observation, Experiment, Physics, Discovery

People mentioned:

Aristotle, Aristotle (384–322 BC) DSB
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Blaise Pascal, Pascal, Blaise (1623–62) DSB
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Simon Stevin, Stevin, Simon (1548–c. 1620) DSB
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Isaac Newton Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727) DSB
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    In a history of the mixed fortunes of the hydrostatical theorem first advanced by Archimedes Archimedes (c. 287–212 BC) DSB
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, Smith notes that 'even under existing circumstances, it may happen here and there that a scientific discovery is neglected, or remains fruitless for a time, from some obscurity in the mode of its presentation by the first discoverer, or from his own imperfect comprehension of his discovery' or 'from the smallness of the number of persons interested in the same inquiry, or from prejudice in favour of an established scientific creed' (182).

Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 183–84.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Temperature of the Nerves


Physiology, Measurement, Instruments, Neurology

People mentioned:

Moritz Schiff Schiff, Moritz (1823–96) DSB
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[2] Sense of Touch in the Skin


Physiology, Vivisection

[3] Respiratory Organs of Echinoderms


Palaeontology, Anatomy, Evolution

People mentioned:

Elkanah Billings Billings, Elkanah (1820–76) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

Geological Survey of Canada Geological Survey of Canada
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[4] Respiration of Fishes


Experiment, Anatomy, Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Alexander von Humboldt Humboldt, Alexander von (Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von) (1769–1859) DSB
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[5] The Colouring Matter of Blood


Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Felix Hoppe-Seyler Hoppe-Seyler, Felix (Ernst Felix Immanuel) (1825–95) DSB
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[6] The Germ-Theory Applied to Putrefaction


Bacteriology, Putrefaction, Theory, Experiment, Surgery

People mentioned:

John Tyndall, Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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Joseph Lister Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister (1827–1912) DSB ODNB
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Publications cited:

The Times The Times (1777–1900+) Waterloo Directory
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 184.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Supposed Alternation of Function in Palms


Botany, Error, Sex

People mentioned:

Heinrich L Wendland, Wendland, Heinrich Ludwig (fl.1820–24) WBI
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Richard Spruce Spruce, Richard (1817–93) DSB
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[2] Reproduction of Algæ


Microbiology, Sex

People mentioned:

Nathanael Pringsheim Pringsheim, Nathanael (1823–94) DSB
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[3] Disengagement of Ammonia by Fungi


Botany, Physiological Chemistry

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 184–85.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Value of Different Articles of Food


Nutrition, Physiology, Physiological Chemistry, Machinery, Energy

People mentioned:

Justus von Liebig, Liebig, Justus von (1803–73) DSB
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Carl von Voit Voit, Carl von (1831–1908) DSB
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[2] On Fermentation and the Source of Muscular Strength


Physiological Chemistry, Controversy, Machinery

People mentioned:

Justus von Liebig, Liebig, Justus von (1803–73) DSB
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Louis Pasteur Pasteur, Louis (1822–95) DSB
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[3] Identity of a Vegetable Base with a Constituent of the Substance of the Brain


Physiological Chemistry, Botany, Neurology, Materialism

People mentioned:

Mathias E O Liebreich Liebreich, Mathias Eugen Oskar (1839–1908) WBI
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 185.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Spectrum of a Candle-Flame


Spectroscopy, Lecturing, Light

People mentioned:

J Norman Lockyer Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman (1836–1920) DSB ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

Royal Institution Royal Institution of Great Britain
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[2] Present State of Our Knowledge of Meteorites


Astronomy, Mineralogy, Chemistry

People mentioned:

Karl F Rammelsberg Rammelsberg, Karl Friedrich (1813–99) DSB
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Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 204–07.

[Review of Life and Letters of Faraday, by Henry B Jones]  [1/2]John Tyndall, '[Review of Life and Letters of Faraday, by Henry B Jones]', Academy, 1 (1869–70), 232–34


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John Tyndall Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Jones 1869 Jones, Henry Bence 1869. Life and Letters of Faraday, 2 vols, London: Longmans, Green
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History of Science, Physics, Experiment, Science Communication, Lecturing, Class, Laboratories, Theory, Religion, Electromagnetism, Discovery, Commerce, Heroism, Nationalism

People mentioned:

Auguste A De La Rive De la Rive, Auguste Arthur (1801–73) WBI
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Institutions mentioned:

Royal Institution Royal Institution of Great Britain
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    Celebrates Michael Faraday's Faraday, Michael (1791–1867) DSB
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'irresistible candour and truth of character' (206), his 'effective methods of scientific exposition', and his intellect which 'united flexibility with [...] strength', but remarks that 'In strong contrast with this intellectual expansiveness is his fixity in religion, but this is a subject which cannot be discussed here'. Also avers that there has never existed 'a manlier, purer, steadier love' than that which Faraday had for his wife: 'Like a burning diamond, it continued to shed, for six-and-forty years, its white and smokeless glow'. (205) Concludes that although Faraday and Humphry Davy Davy, Sir Humphry, Baronet (1778–1829) DSB ODNB
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had very different characters, in 'one great particular they agreed. Each of them could have turned his science to immense commercial profit, but neither of them did so. The noble excitement of research, and the delight of discovery, constituted their reward. I commend them to the reverence which great gifts greatly exercised ought to inspire. They were both ours; and through the coming centuries England will be able to point with just pride to the possession of such men' (206).


Tyndall 1871a Tyndall, John 1871a. Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Lectures, and Reviews, 3rd edn, London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 207.

Heinrich Gustav Magnus

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Physics, Heat, Instruments

People mentioned:

Heinrich G Magnus Magnus, Heinrich Gustav (1802–70) DSB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 207–08.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Music of Insects


Entomology, Sound, Music

[2] Corpuscles of Pacini



[3] Temperature of Nerves


Neurology, Vivisection, Measurement, Instruments

People mentioned:

Moritz Schiff Schiff, Moritz (1823–96) DSB
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[4] Blood and Life


Anatomy, Vitalism, Vivisection, Microscopy

People mentioned:

Claude Bernard Bernard, Claude (1813–78) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 208–09.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Fossil Flora of the Devonian Period


Botany, Palaeontology

People mentioned:

John W Dawson Dawson, Sir John William (1820–99) DSB ODNB
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[2] New Discovery Respecting Coccoliths


Discovery, Microbiology, Palaeontology

People mentioned:

Karl W R von Gümbel, Gümbel, Karl Wilhelm Ritter von (1823–98) WBI
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Thomas H Huxley Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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[3] Prehistoric Congress at Bologna


Palaeontology, Societies, Exhibitions

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 209.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Fertilization of Ferns


Botany, Sex

[2] Vegetable Oils as Preservatives From Malaria


Botany, Disease, Medical Treatment, Public Health

People mentioned:

Paolo Mantegazza Mantegazza, Paolo (1831–1910) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 209.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Preparation of Pure Nitrogen


Chemistry, Experiment

[2] Detection of Organic Matter in the Air



[3] Archæological Chemistry


Chemistry, Palaeontology, Geology

People mentioned:

Achille E O J Delesse Delesse, Achille Ernest Oscar Joseph (1817–81) WBI
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[4] The Province of Mineral Chemistry


Inorganic Chemistry

[5] Absorption Spectra of Nitrous and Hyponitric Anhydrides


Chemistry, Light

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 209–10.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] A Cause of Error in Electroscopic Experiments


Electricity, Experiment, Error

People mentioned:

Charles Wheatstone Wheatstone, Charles (1802–75) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

Royal Society Royal Society of London
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[2] Modifications of Smee's Battery


Metallurgy, Instruments

People mentioned:

Alfred Smee Smee, Alfred (1818–77) ODNB
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Section: Theology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 228–30.

[Review of An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent, by John H Newman]

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Mark Pattison Pattison, Mark (1813–84) ODNB
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Religion, Philosophy, Hypothesis, Psychology

    Notes that John H Newman Newman, John Henry (1801–90) ODNB
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identifies a 'special sense' in the mind dealing with 'extra-logical judgement'. He 'erects it into a mental faculty, and gives it the name of the Illative Sense'. In this view the 'laws of mind are the expression not of mere structure, but of the will of Him who made it. He who speaks through our conscience to distinguish right from wrong, speaks through our Illative sense to distinguish truth from falsehood. We are bound to seek truth and look for certainty by modes of proof, which, when reduced to the shape of formal propositions, fail to satisfy the requisitions of science'. (228) The book, however, fails to show convincingly 'how the human intellect can warrant to itself its passage from phenomena of sense to a belief in the existence of supersensual essences' (230).

Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 232–34.

[Review of Life and Letters of Faraday, by Henry B Jones]  [2/2]John Tyndall, '[Review of Life and Letters of Faraday, by Henry B Jones]', Academy, 1 (1869–70), 204–07


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John Tyndall Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Jones 1869 Jones, Henry Bence 1869. Life and Letters of Faraday, 2 vols, London: Longmans, Green
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History of Science, Religion, Discovery, Experiment, Physics, Mathematics, Natural Law, Electromagnetism, Chemistry, Patronage, Politics, War, Government, Scientific Naturalism, Heroism, Genius

People mentioned:

Macedonio Melloni, Melloni, Macedonio (1798–1854) DSB
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William Lamb (2nd Viscount Melbourne) Lamb, William, 2nd Viscount Melbourne (1779–1848) ODNB
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    Continues with an account of Michael Faraday's Faraday, Michael (1791–1867) DSB
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later life and scientific work. Reflects on Faraday's Sandemanianism and his role as a philosophical experimenter opposed to the reduction of natural science to mathematical deduction. In considering Faraday's dealings with British and French politicians, Tyndall remarks 'Should the necessity arise, the French Emperor Napoleon III, Emperor of France (originally Louis Napoléon (Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte)) (1808–73) CBD
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will not lack at the outset the best appliances of modern science; while we, I fear, shall have to learn the magnitude of the resources we are now neglecting amid the pangs of actual war'. He adds in a footnote, 'What we need in this country is a man in authority, competent to select from the vast, but in many particulars irrelevant mass of science, those portions which are of real and paramount importance, and determined to have them properly taught'. Concludes that even if he had not been a Sandemanian, 'Faraday would still have been a religious man'. (234)


Tyndall 1871a Tyndall, John 1871a. Fragments of Science: A Series of Detached Essays, Lectures, and Reviews, 3rd edn, London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 234–35.

[Review of Forms of Animal Life, by George Rolleston]

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Michael Foster Foster, Sir Michael (1836–1907) DSB ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Rolleston 1870a Rolleston, George 1870a. Forms of Animal Life, Being Outlines of Zoological Classification, Oxford: Clarendon Press
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Education, Universities, Textbooks, Science Communication, Zoology, Dissection, Comparative Anatomy, Taxonomy

People mentioned:

Carl Gegenbaur, Gegenbaur, Carl (1826–1903) DSB
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Thomas H Huxley Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

University of Oxford University of Oxford
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    Regrets that the usefulness of George Rolleston's Rolleston, George (1829–81) DSB
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book is 'limited in large measure to Oxford students' (234), and that it does not supply 'the great want of the present day [...] a book which will teach students how to dissect animals, how to study zoology practically' (235).

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 235–36.

[Review of Hereditary Genius, by Francis Galton]

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James R Thursfield Thursfield, Sir James Richard (1840–1923) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Galton 1869 Galton, Francis 1869. Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences, London: Macmillan & Co
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Evolution, Human Species, Heredity, Eugenics, Statistics, Genius, Hypothesis

People mentioned:

Francis Galton, Galton, Sir Francis (1822–1911) DSB ODNB
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Charles R Darwin, Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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Jane Austen Austen, Jane (1775–1817) ODNB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 236.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Connection Between Electricity and Muscular Labour


Physiology, Energy, Instruments

People mentioned:

Emil H Du Bois-Reymond Du Bois–Reymond, Emil Heinrich (1818–96) DSB
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[2] The Biliary Secretion


Physiological Chemistry

People mentioned:

Moritz Schiff Schiff, Moritz (1823–96) DSB
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[3] Man and the Apes


Comparative Anatomy, Human Species, Controversy

People mentioned:

Franz I Pruner Bey, Pruner Bey, Franz Ignace (1808–82) DSB
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Thomas H Huxley Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 236–37.

Palæontology and Botany

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Kitchen-Midden in Scotland


Botany, Archaeology

[2] The Eocene Flora


Botany, Palaeontology, Controversy

People mentioned:

George Bentham, Bentham, George (1800–84) DSB
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Konstantin F von Ettingshausen Ettingshausen, Konstantin Freiherr von (1826–97) WBI
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Institutions mentioned:

Linnean Society Linnean Society
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[3] Irritability of Stamens



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 237.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Gold-Refining by Chlorine Gas


Gas Chemistry, Metallurgy, Manufactories

People mentioned:

Francis B Miller Miller, Francis Bowyer (b. 1829) WBI
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[2] Manganese in Milk and Blood


Physiological Chemistry

[3] The Evolution of Oxygen from Potassic Chlorate



People mentioned:

Georg Krebs Krebs, Georg (1833–1907) WBI
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[4] Metallic Hydrogen


Chemistry, Metallurgy

[5] Electro-Metallurgy


Chemistry, Electricity, Metallurgy

Institutions mentioned:

Chemical Society Chemical Society
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[6] Contraction in the Formation of Chemical Combinations in Connection with the Strength of Chemical Affinity



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 237–38.

Physics and Astronomy

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Aperiodic Movements of Deadened Magnetic Needles



People mentioned:

Carl F Gauss, Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777–1855) DSB
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Wilhelm E Weber, Weber, Wilhelm Eduard (1804–91) DSB
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Emil H Du Bois-Reymond Du Bois–Reymond, Emil Heinrich (1818–96) DSB
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[2] Regulator for Electric Light


Electricity, Light

[3] Breadth of the Spectrum-Lines


Spectroscopy, Light

[4] Dynamic Power of the Sun



People mentioned:

Stanislao Vecchi Vecchi, Stanislao (1843–1903) WBI
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[5] The Motion of the Solar Prominences


Spectroscopy, Light, Astronomy, Controversy

People mentioned:

J Norman Lockyer, Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman (1836–1920) DSB ODNB
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Angelo Secchi Secchi, Angelo (Pietro Angelo) (1818–78) DSB
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[6] A Water Telescope


Astronomy, Instruments, Observatories

Institutions mentioned:

Royal Observatory, Greenwich Royal Observatory, Greenwich
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 238.

Miscellaneous Intelligence

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Regular Feature, News-Digest


Chemistry, Metallurgy, Measurement

People mentioned:

Otto L Erdmann Erdmann, Otto Linné (1804–69) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

University of Göttingen, University of Göttingen
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Chemical Society of St. Petersburg Chemical Society of St Petersburg
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Section: Oriental and Comparative Philology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 242–43.

[Review of Der Ursprung der Sprache, by Ludwig Geiger]

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Th Benfey Benfey, Theodor (1809–81) CBD
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Publications reviewed:

Geiger 1869 Geiger, Ludwig 1869. Der Ursprung der Sprache, Stuttgart: Z. G. Cotta
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Human Species, Comparative Philology

    Criticises Ludwig Geiger's Geiger, Ludwig (1848–1919) WBI
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contention that language began with an original 'cry of language' induced by the sight of a body or face, and instead favours a number of 'historical, stages in the primitive development of language' (243).

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Section: General Literature and Art

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 250–51.

[Review of Nos fils, by Jules Michelet, and L'Émile du dix-neuvième siècle, by Henri A Esquiros]

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E F S Pattison Dilke (née Strong, formerly Pattison), Emilia Frances, Lady (1840–1904) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Michelet 1870, Michelet, Jules 1870. Nos fils, Paris: Librairie Internationale
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Esquiros 1869 Esquiros, Henri A 1869. L'Émile du dix-neuvième siècle, Paris: Librairie Internationale
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Education, Schools, Universities, Gender

People mentioned:

Jules Michelet, Michelet, Jules (1798–1874) CBD
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Matthew Arnold Arnold, Matthew (1822–88) ODNB
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Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 258–59.

[Review of Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, by Carl Gegenbaur]  [1/2]George Rolleston, '[Review of Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, by Carl Gegenbaur]', Academy, 1 (1869–70), 287–89


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George Rolleston Rolleston, George (1829–81) DSB
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Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Gegenbaur 1870 Gegenbaur, Carl 1870. Grundzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie, Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann
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Comparative Anatomy, Darwinism, Biology, Morphology, History of Science, Historiography, Naturphilosophie, Animal Development, Microscopy, Nomenclature, Spontaneous Generation, Controversy

    In comparing this second edition of Carl Gegenbaur's Gegenbaur, Carl (1826–1903) DSB
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book with the first edition published in 1859, Rolleston remarks on 'the influence which our great English writer on Biology [Charles R Darwin Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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] has exercised in the course of the decennium just ended'. Notes the 'increasing hold which the study of morphology is obtaining on the minds, not only of experts and specialists, but of thinkers generally', and then surveys the 'varying fortunes of the study of Comparative Anatomy' from before Aristotle Aristotle (384–322 BC) DSB
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to the present day. (258) The theory of development of Jean-Baptiste P A de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, chevalier de (1744–1829) DSB
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, is 'much better based than any of the similar theories' adumbrated by the German school of Naturphilosophie, and since the publication of Darwin 1859 Darwin, Charles Robert 1859. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, London: John Murray
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there has been a 'rehabilitation of the doctrine of the mutability of species after a half century of exile and ignominy'. Also welcomes 'the convenient nomenclature of Haeckel Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August (1834–1919) DSB
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[...] with which the English ear has at last been made so familiar', but complains that in Gegenbaur's book there is 'no reference to the works of Mr. Herbert Spencer Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903) DSB
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'. Gegenbaur's admission that spontaneous generation cannot be disproved is 'not without importance at the present juncture of the controversy between the Panspermists as represented by Pasteur Pasteur, Louis (1822–95) DSB
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, and their opponents just reinforced by the accession to their ranks of Dr. Charlton Bastian Bastian, Henry Charlton (1837–1915) DSB
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'. (259)

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 259–60.

Fungi in Connection with Epidemic Diseases

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M J Berkeley Berkeley, Miles Joseph (1803–89) DSB
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Theory, Disease, Science Communication, Microscopy, Error, Spontaneous Generation

Publications cited:

Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde (1869–75) BUCOP
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    Sceptical of Ernst H Hallier's Hallier, Ernst Hans (1831–1904) DSB
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contention that each epidemic disease 'owes its origin to the development of a specific fungus', a conclusion 'which referred the origin of Cholera to the occurrence of Urocystis occulta, on the rice plant'. Observes that 'Few matters are more interesting, and I may add more important, than the real nature of the minute bodies about which so much has been said in connection with the subject of spontaneous generation', and notes 'the interest [...] raised by the promised work of Dr. Bastian Bastian, Henry Charlton (1837–1915) DSB
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, who believes that he has arrived at something definite on the subject'. (260)

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 260–61.

[Review of The Elements of Inductive Logic, by Thomas Fowler]

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Charles Thurot Thurot, Charles (1823–82) COPAC
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Publications reviewed:

Fowler 1870 Fowler, Thomas 1870. The Elements of Inductive Logic: Designed Mainly for the Use of Students in the Universities, London: Macmillan & Co
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Induction, Deduction, Methodology, Truth, Natural Law, Nomenclature, Hypothesis, Truth, Design, Creation

People mentioned:

William Whewell, Whewell, William (1794–1866) DSB
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John S Mill, Mill, John Stuart (1806–73) DSB
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Galileo Galilei, Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642) DSB
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David Hume Hume, David (1711–76) DSB
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    Opposes Thomas Fowler's Fowler, Thomas (1832–1904) ODNB
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insistence on an entirely inductive standard of proof, and avers 'In reality there is but one way of demonstrating truth. A proposition can only be proved by showing that it necessarily results from certain other propositions, resting either on intuitive or sensible evidence' (260). Concludes by questioning why the hypothesis of design by an intelligent creator is 'illegitimate [...] in scientific research, if it be so difficult to exclude it? If we have to inquire how the structure of an organ is adapted to its function, will not this hypothesis serve as a guide? And, in like manner, it will surely not be useless when we seek to know how organisation in general is adapted to the preservation of the individual and the continuation of the species' (261).

Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 261–63.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Spontaneous Generation Theory


Spontaneous Generation, Controversy, Evolution, Theory, Experiment, Putrefaction, Industry

People mentioned:

Henry C Bastian, Bastian, Henry Charlton (1837–1915) DSB
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Louis Pasteur, Pasteur, Louis (1822–95) DSB
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John Tyndall, Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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Edward Frankland, Frankland, Sir Edward (1825–99) DSB DNODNBB
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Thomas H Huxley, Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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William Sharpey Sharpey, William (1802–80) DSB
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Publications cited:

Nature Nature (1869–1900+) Waterloo Directory
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[2] The Silk-Worm Disease


Disease, Bacteriology

People mentioned:

Louis Pasteur, Pasteur, Louis (1822–95) DSB
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John Tyndall Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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Publications cited:

Nature Nature (1869–1900+) Waterloo Directory
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[3] The Eyes of the Mole


Physiology, Zoology

[4] Development of Ascidia


Embryology, Animal Development, Morphology

[5] Structure of the Tongue


Anatomy, Dissection

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 263.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] On Changes in the Colour of Flowers Produced by Ammonia


Physiological Chemistry, Industry

[2] Evaporation of Water from Plants


Physiological Chemistry, Industry

[3] Direction of Growth of the Branches of Trees



Institutions mentioned:

Boston Natural History Society Boston Natural History Society
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 263.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Petrified Wood Near Cairo


Palaeontology, Travel, Wonder

[2] Palæ-Ethnological Remains in Italy


Palaeontology, Ethnology, Patronage

People mentioned:

Giovanni Capellini Capellini, Giovanni (1833–1922) WBI
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 263–64.

Chemistry and Physics

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Cyclopic Acid



[2] The Constitution of Ammonium Amalgam



Institutions mentioned:

New York Lyceum of Natural History New York Lyceum of Natural History
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[3] New Method of Applying Heat


Instruments, Pharmaceuticals

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 264.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Observatories in the Southern Hemisphere



People mentioned:

Benjamin A Gould Gould, Benjamin Apthorp (1824–96) DSB
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[2] Spectroscopic Observations of the Sun



People mentioned:

J Norman Lockyer Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman (1836–1920) DSB ODNB
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Institutions mentioned:

Royal Society, Royal Society of London
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Académie des sciences, Paris Académie des Sciences, Paris
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Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 287–89.

[Review of Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, by Carl Gegenbaur]  [2/2]George Rolleston, '[Review of Outlines of Comparative Anatomy, by Carl Gegenbaur]', Academy, 1 (1869–70), 258–59


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George Rolleston Rolleston, George (1829–81) DSB
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Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Gegenbaur 1870 Gegenbaur, Carl 1870. Grundzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie, Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann
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Comparative Anatomy, Taxonomy, Darwinism, Animal Development, Embryology, Morphology, Evolution, Human Species

People mentioned:

Charles R Darwin, Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82) DSB
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John Lubbock, Lubbock, Sir John, 4th Baronet and 1st Baron Avebury (1834–1913) DSB ODNB
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Thomas H Huxley, Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Ernst H P A Haeckel, Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August (1834–1919) DSB
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William K Parker Parker, William Kitchen (1823–90) ODNB
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    Details the omissions and errors of Carl Gegenbaur's Gegenbaur, Carl (1826–1903) DSB
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book (i.e. the 'most seductively plausible of Phylogenies' which ultimately do not 'admit to verification' (287)), consistently noting the differences between German and English practices of comparative anatomy.

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 289–90.

[Review of Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-Crystallic Action, by John Tyndall]

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John A Dale Dale, John A (fl. 1869) AC1/1/11a/2
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Publications reviewed:

Tyndall 1870a Tyndall, John 1870a. Researches on Diamagnetism and Magne-Crystallic Action, Including the Question of Diamagnetic Polarity, London: Longmans, Green
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Physics, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Hypothesis, Theory, Light, Heat

People mentioned:

John Tyndall, Tyndall, John (1820–93) DSB
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Michael Faraday, Faraday, Michael (1791–1867) DSB
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Alexandre E Becquerel, Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond (1820–91) DSB
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Gustav R Kirchhoff Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (1824–87) DSB
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Publications cited:

Faraday 1839-55 Faraday, Michael 1839-55. Experimental Researches in Electricity, 3 vols, London: Richard Taylor and William Francis
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 290–92.

[Review of De l'Intelligence, by Hippolyte A Taine]

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James R Thursfield Thursfield, Sir James Richard (1840–1923) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Taine 1870 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe 1870. De l'Intelligence, Paris: Hachette et Cie
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Physiological Psychology, Popularization, Associationism, Philosophy

    Hippolyte A Taine's Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe (1828–93) CBD
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book elucidates the 'controversial' and 'purely speculative' psychological theories of Alexander Bain Bain, Alexander (1818–1903) DSB
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, John S Mill Mill, John Stuart (1806–73) DSB
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, and Herbert Spencer Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903) DSB
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in a manner which is 'formulative, expository, and popular, in the best sense' (291). He is 'perhaps the first living performer of the themes of Hume Hume, David (1711–76) DSB
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, with the variations of Spencer and Mill, not without occasional original and brilliant impromptus of his own' (292).

Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 292–93.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Rapidity at which Excitation is Propagated Along the Motor Nerves of Man


Neurology, Experiment, Measurement

[2] Electric Organs of the Torpedo


Anatomy, Neurology, Dissection

People mentioned:

Giuseppe V Ciaccio Ciaccio, Giuseppe Vincenzo (b. 1824) WBI
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[3] Absorption of Carbonic Oxide by the Lungs


Physiological Chemistry, Vivisection

People mentioned:

Claude Bernard Bernard, Claude (1813–78) DSB
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[4] The Canal of Petit


Anatomy, Error

[5] Coccoliths in the Adriatic


Biogeography, Oceanography

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 293.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Existence of a Formative Layer in the Foliar Organs of Plants



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 293.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Ancient Glacial Periods



People mentioned:

Ami Boué Boué, Ami (1794–1881) DSB
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[2] Prehistoric Remains in Italy


Palaeontology, Human Species

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 293.

Chemistry and Physics

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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Electrical Phenomena of Rotation



People mentioned:

Johann C Poggendorff Poggendorff, Johann Christian (1796–1877) DSB
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[2] New Electric Machine


Electricity, Machinery, Lecturing

People mentioned:

Johann C Poggendorff Poggendorff, Johann Christian (1796–1877) DSB
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[3] Theory of Ozone


Gas Chemistry, Theory

[4] Vapour-Density of Phosphoric Chloride



People mentioned:

Charles A Wurtz Wurtz, Charles-Adolphe (1817–84) DSB
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[5] Hydrogen as the Active Metal in a Voltaic Couple


Chemistry, Metallurgy

[6] Adulteration of Milk



Section: History and Archæology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 296–97.

[Review of Researches and Excavations at Frilford, by George Rolleston]

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C H Pearson Pearson, Charles Henry (1830–94) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Rolleston 1870 Rolleston, George 1870b. Researches and Excavations Carried on in an Ancient Cemetery at Frilford, near Abingdon, Berks, in the Years 1867–1868, London: J. B. Nichols and sons
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Archaeology, Human Species, Anatomy, Race

People mentioned:

George Rolleston, Rolleston, George (1829–81) DSB
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Thomas H Huxley Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825–95) DSB
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Section: Classical and Modern Philology

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 303–04.

[Review of The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places, by Patrick W Joyce, and The Gaelic Topography of Scotland, and What it Proves, by James A Robertson]

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W M Hennessy Hennessy, William Maunsell (1828/9–89) ODNB
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Publications reviewed:

Joyce 1869, Joyce, Patrick W 1869. The Origin and History of Irish Names of Places, Dublin: McGlashan and Gill
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Robertson 1869 Robertson, James A 1869. The Gaelic Topography of Scotland, and What it Proves, Edinburgh: W.P. Nimmo
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Physical Geography, Mapping

Institutions mentioned:

Ordnance Survey of Ireland Ordnance Survey of Ireland
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Section: Science and Philosophy

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 315–18.

[Review of Contributions to the History of Chemistry, by Hermann Kopp]

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Publications reviewed:

Kopp 1869 Kopp, Hermann 1869. Beiträge zur Geschicte der Chemie, Brunswick: Viewig
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History of Science, Chemistry, Controversy, Alchemy, Ancient Authorities, Nomenclature, Libraries, Authorship, Historiography

People mentioned:

Hermann Kopp, Kopp, Hermann (1817–92) DSB
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Hermann Conring, Conring, Hermann (1606–81) WBI
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Olaus Borrichius, Borrichius (or Borch), Olaus (1626–90) DSB
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Hermes Trismegistus, Hermes Trismegistus () DSB
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Democritus Democritus (late 5th century BC) DSB
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Subsection: Scientific Notes

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 319.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Commensalism in the Animal Kingdom



People mentioned:

Pierre J van Beneden Beneden, Pierre-Joseph van (1809–94) DSB
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Institutions mentioned:

Académie des Sciences de Belgique Académie des Sciences de Belgique
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[2] New Remedy for Snake Poison


Pharmaceuticals, Medical Treatment

Academy,  1 (1869–70), 319.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Fossil Birds and Reptiles of America



People mentioned:

Othniel C Marsh Marsh, Othniel Charles (1831–99) DSB
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[2] Remains of Man in California


Archaeology, Human Species

People mentioned:

John W Foster Foster, John Wells (1815–73) WBI
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 319–20.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Germination of Palms


Botany, Sex

[2] Effects of the Poison of Hemp


Narcotics, Anaesthesia

[3] Cause of the Dehiscence of Anthers



Academy,  1 (1869–70), 320.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] The Origin of the Boraic Acid in the Lagoons of Tuscany


Chemistry, Physical Geography

[2] On the Molecular Weights of Some Oxides


Chemistry, Experiment, Measurement

People mentioned:

Albert Ladenburg Ladenburg, Albert (1842–1911) DSB
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Academy,  1 (1869–70), 320.


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Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Measurement of the Velocity of Cannon-Balls


Measurement, Instruments, Electricity, Military Technology

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