Showing 1 to 9 of 9 items
1. Anon, Face of the Sun and Moon, Youth's Magazine, 3rd ser. 4 (1831), 253–54.
2. Anon, Astronomy, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 214.
3. Anon, Comparative Pleasures of Science, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 214–15.
4. Anon, The Atmosphere, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 215.
5. Anon, Eyes of Birds, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 215–16.
6. Anon, Fecundation of Vegetables, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 216.
7. Anon, The Imperial Bee-Hive, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 345–46.
8. Anon, Weight of the Atmosphere, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 427–28.
9. Anon, Progress of Discovery, Mirror of Literature, 11 (1828), 428.