Showing 1 to 11 of 11 items
1. [Thomas Hood], The Rope Dancer, An Extravaganza,—After Rabelais, Comic Annual, 5 (1834), 1–23.
2. [Thomas Hood], The Fancy Fair, Comic Annual, 5 (1834), 65–71.
3. Philocosmos, Contrasts and Comparisons; or, The Contrast Between Man and Man, and the Similitude Between the Two Most Lordly Animals in the Creation—the Lion and the Elephant, Mirror of Literature, 7 (1826), 178–79.
4. Anon, The Monkey and the Tiger, Punch, 22 (1852), 76.
5. Anon, The Great Clock Case, Punch, 32 (1857), 39.
6. Anon, Feline Intelligence, Punch, 32 (1857), 93.
7. Anon, A Sunny Afternoon in Venice, Punch, 38 (1860), 124.
8. Punch, A Proclamation, Punch, 48 (1865), 9.
9. Anon, The Great Zagazias (A Bumpkin Ballad), Punch, 54 (1868), 135.
10. Johann C C Jamrach, My Struggle with a Tiger, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), [33]–34.
11. Anon, Wild Beast Tamers and Their Pupils, Boy's Own Paper, 5 (1882–83), [409]–10.