Showing 1 to 20 of 80 items
1. Anon, Among the Contributors of this Volume Are, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), [ii].
2. Anon, Among the Contributors of this Volume Are, Boy's Own Paper, 2 (1879–80), [ii].
3. [John G Wood], Modern Taxidermy, Cornhill Magazine, 7 (1863), 120–25.
4. [John G Wood], Inner Life of a Hospital, Cornhill Magazine, 5 (1862), 462–77.
5. [John G Wood], The Home of a Naturalist, Cornhill Magazine, 5 (1862), 736–43.
6. AnonTabitha Poosey, A Peep into Petland, Punch, 44 (1863), 227.
7. Anon, Creeping Things, Punch, 61 (1871), 207.
8. John G Wood, Out with a Jack-Knife, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 3–5.
9. John G Wood, Out with a Jack-Knife, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 22–23.
10. John G Wood, Frogs and Toads, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 52–53.
11. John G Wood, Frogs and Toads. Part II, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 68–70.
12. John G Wood, Rabbit-Keeping, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 83–85.
13. John G Wood, Treacles and Palings, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 138–39.
14. John G Wood, Treacles and Palings. Part II, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 150, 151.
15. John G Wood, Pupa-Digging, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 163–64.
16. John G Wood, Pupa-Digging, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 179–80.
17. John G Wood, Caterpillars, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 195–97.
18. John G Wood, Caterpillars, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 220.
19. John G Wood, Net and Wing, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 229–30.
20. John G Wood, Net and Wing, Boy's Own Paper, 1 (1879), 243–45.