Showing 1 to 20 of 82 items
1. Peter T Westcott, On the Misletoe, Mirror of Literature, 3 (1824), 22–23.
2. Peter T Westcott, Oranges, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 437–38.
3. [Thomas Byerley]Peter T Westcott, On the Singular Properties of Plants and Flowers, Mirror of Literature, 1 (1822–23), 467–68.
4. Peter T Westcott, History and Manufacture of Writing Paper, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 3–4.
5. Peter T Westcott, On the Month of June, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 38.
6. Peter T Westcott, Historical Account of Coaches, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 83–84.
7. Peter T Westcott, Account of Mackarel, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 100.
8. Peter T Westcott, The Month of July, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 147–48.
9. Peter T Westcott, The Habitation of Insects, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 194–95.
10. Peter T Westcott, The Lapland Marmot. The Mus Lemmus of Linnæus, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 200.
11. Peter T Westcott, The Month of August, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 229.
12. Peter T Westcott, Anecdotes of Negroes and Negro SlaveryThe Negro Character, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 243–45.
13. Peter T Westcott, The Month of September, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 258–59.
14. Peter T Westcott, Minute Wonders of Nature and Art, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 307–08.
15. Peter T Westcott, The Month of October, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 323.
16. Peter T Westcott, The Last Moments of Celebrated Men, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 341–43.
17. Peter T Westcott, On the Stinging Nettle, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 376–77.
18. Peter T Westcott, The Month of November, Mirror of Literature, 2 (1823), 434–35.
19. Peter T Westcott, On the Month of January, Mirror of Literature, 3 (1824), 53.
20. Peter T Westcott, Beards and Barbers[1] Barbers[2] Hair Cutting, Mirror of Literature, 3 (1824), 59–60.