Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items
1. A London Professor, Conjurors and Conjuring. Part I, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 206.
2. A London Professor, Conjurors and Conjuring. Part II, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 251–52.
3. A London Professor, Conjurors and Conjuring. Part III, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 270.
4. A London Professor, Conjurors and Conjuring. Part IV, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 310–11.
5. A London Professor, Celebrated Ventriloquists, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 372–73.
6. A London Professor, Celebrated Ventriloquists. Part II, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 406.
7. A London Professor, Celebrated Ventriloquists. Part III, Boy's Own Paper, 3 (1880–81), 422–23.