Academy,  2 (1870–71), 337.

[Review of Journeys in North China, Manchuria, and Eastern Mongolia, by Alexander Williamson]

A R Wallace



Publications reviewed:

Williamson 1870


Imperialism, Christianity, Science Communication, Progress, Mathematics, Monographs, Publishing, Technology, Vaccination

People mentioned:


    Notes that 'readers will be astonished to learn what excellent work the English and American Protestant missionaries have done in making the Chinese acquainted with modern science [...] translating such works as Euclid, Newton's Principia, Loones' [sic] Analytical Geometry and Differential and Integral Calculus, Herschel's Astronomy, Whewell's Mechanics [...] and others on almost every branch of modern science and European knowledge. And these works are so appreciated, and are in such demand, that the greater portion of them have been reprinted by Chinese of rank and position. Fire-engines, life-boats, and vaccination have also been adopted in China; and the government have employed translators of works on engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, electricity, and all the arts connected with the manufacture of warlike implements' (337).

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