Academy,  2 (1870–71), 455–58.

Recent Works on Chemistry  [3/3]

John Ferguson


Review, Serial

Publications reviewed:

Valentin 1871 Crookes 1871 Storer 1870


Analytical Chemistry, Textbooks, Education, Lecturing, Laboratories, Experiment, Induction, Methodology, Inorganic Chemistry, Declinism, Nomenclature, Illustration

    Bemoans the fact that 'there is no generally recognised standard work in English on Chemical Analysis', and that while 'Other nations can quote Fresenius either in the original or in a translation [...] English chemists [...] have but a Barmecide feast of it, in the author's name without his book'. Observes that the 'advantage of Fresenius' Qualitative Analysis lay in its completeness and method', and recommends that it is 'advisable to retranslate the thirteenth edition of the original'. In the mean time, however, 'Mr. Valentin's work goes part of the way to supplying the want'. (455) Valentin's book, though, is 'not a mere guide to qualitative analysis, but to the practical course in the College of Chemistry', and it is 'written from the point of view of the teacher, rather than of the mere chemist, and is addressed to teachers' (456). Praises William Crookes as 'almost the only one at present who, by translation and original writing, tries to keep English chemical literature from falling completely behind the times', and notes that his present book, 'a very full collection' of myriad pieces from 'the Chemical News and other journals', is full of 'critical remarks' and is 'not intended [...] for tyros' (457).

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