Academy,  2 (1870–71), 81–82.

[Review of Pronunciation, Vocalism, and Accentuation of Latin, by Wilhelm P Corssen]

H Nettleship



Publications reviewed:

Corssen 1868


Physiology, Sound, Comparative Philology

    Notes that in Wilhem P Corssen's book 'the investigations of physical observers into the laws which govern the formation of vocal sounds, have been to a certain extent made use of', and he is 'chiefly indebted to Brücke's Physiologie und Systematik der Sprachlehre, Helmholtz's Lehre von den Tonempfindungen, and Max Müller's second series of Lectures on the Science of Language', although in addition Corssen 'might, perhaps, have noticed the remarkable work of Mr. Melville Bell on Visible Speech' which has done 'more than any work [...] towards laying the foundations of alphabetical science' (81).

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