[Review of Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil, by Charles F Hartt]
John Young
Genre: | Review |
Publications reviewed: | Hartt 1870 |
Subjects: | Geology, Physical Geography, Glaciology, Discovery, Methodology, Exploration |
Points out differences in the geological practice of Europeans and North Americans like Charles F Hartt. Also notes that 'Agassiz's position as regards the surface geology of Brazil is in fact the counterpart of that which he held many years ago as regards that of Scotland. There he was the first to recognize the true glacial character of the boulder clay, and to solve satisfactorily a problem so oppressive as to have disturbed the slumbers of a leading Scottish theologian and geologist', and even the subsequent correction of some of Agassiz's details 'does not affect his fame as the discoverer of the right method of investigation' (95). Concedes that the 'difficulties attending exploratory journeys in tropical regions explain and largely excuse the want of precision in many parts' of the book (96). |
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