Country Magistrates
Genre: | Miscellaneous |
Subjects: | Natural History, Politics, Radicalism, Instruments, Microscopy |
'This class of animals has lately become conspicuous among the political naturalists of the day, for a quality hitherto unobserved among the species. Every body knows that this genus has always been deemed gregarious, and so fond of herding in flocks, as to be proverbial for the propensity.' Now, however, they have 'taken a dislike to such assemblies, and call them unconstitutional, and dangerous'. (5) 'Some situations incapacitiate [sic] a man from judging correctly. [... G]ive him a microscope, and it will make a mole-hill appear a mountain. [...] These Country Magistrates seem to judge as falsely [...] with a ministerial microscope in their hands, they magnify the ebullition of hunger into the excesses of anarchy and rebellion. They must be reduced to a proper level, and furnished with better optics' (5–6). |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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