Letters of the Black Dwarf. From the Black Dwarf out of the King's Bench, to the Yellow Bonze at Japan
The Black Dwarf, pseud. [Thomas J Wooler] *
Genre: | Regular Feature, Letter, Spoof |
Subjects: | Natural History, Politics, Menageries |
Describes his feelings on being released from prison. 'In resuming my active avocations, I have met with some little interruption. The fields have tempted me to wander among their freshness, and in listening to the lark, I have forgot the jar of politics [...]. I have gathered wild flowers and honeysuckles, instead of the briars of the political harvest, and the stinging-nettles of literary criticism'. Considers that he must awake and return to the 'customary haunts of men'; 'I must now visit the learned pig, and pay my respects to the legitimates at Exeter Change'. The shows have closed, but 'Never mind! There is yet left us Signor Jacko, the celebrated monkey; and Bond Street is not quite deserted of its brethren'. (364) | |
See also: | BD1/1/19/2 |
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