Letters of the Black Dwarf. From the Black Dwarf, to the Yellow Bonze, at Japan. Mr Owen's Plan for the Growth of Paupers.
The Black Dwarf, pseud. [Thomas J Wooler] *
Genre: | Regular Feature, Letter, Spoof, News-Commentary |
Subjects: | Political Economy, Disease, Epidemiology, Agriculture, Class |
The problem of starvation among the poor is described as analogous to a plague: 'the poor remain nearly in the same state, and the distress gangrening into misery, threatens a national plague, that must carry off the infection, or the infected' (466). Goes on to relate Robert Owen's proposal for his 'Spencean Plan' to combat starvation by creating pauper-barracks where the poor are 'to maintain themselves, by working in the agricultural department principally' (469). |
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