Letters of the Black Dwarf. From the Black Dwarf in London, to the Yellow Bonze, at Japan. Riches of England
The Black Dwarf, pseud. [Thomas J Wooler] *
Genre: | Regular Feature, Letter, Spoof |
Subjects: | Disease, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Treatment, Radicalism, Political Economy |
Observes: 'The falling off of the taxes, my friend, may be called the consumption of the ministry; and consumptions in this country are particularly fatal. There is no plant indigenous to the climate that can relieve the afflicted. They groan through wasting life without the hope of succour. The only remedy is to send the patients abroad; and if the ministry should be disposed to try this remedy, perhaps the air of Botany Bay would be the only antidote to final dissolution' (484). Discusses at length the government's handling of the national economy, particularly in regard to the introduction of the gold sovereign. |
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