Reply to Lord Somers' Defence of a "Borough Despotism," Which He Calls "The Constitution,"
Genre: | Miscellaneous, Satire |
Subjects: | Heredity, Agriculture, Government, Radicalism, Class, Instrument Makers, Light |
Replies to an article in the Pamphleteer by John S Cocks (2nd Baron Somers) defending taxation and the borough system. Starts by describing Somers as a 'worthy' illustration that 'patriotism is not more hereditary, than talent' (623). A footnote includes a table comparing the value of agricultural wages between 1760 and 1817 expressed in terms of loaves of bread, which was originally published by George Glover in an article entitled 'Observations on Pauperism' in the same issue of the Pamphleteer (624). States of Somers: 'how short-sighted he must be! Well, then, the people must furnish him with a pair of practical spectacles; and shew him what his defective borough-manufactured optics cannot discover' (627). |
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