Crime the Inevitable Result of Mis-Government
Genre: | Miscellaneous |
Subjects: | Human Species, Ethnography, Natural Law, Immorality, Crime, Class, Radicalism, Government |
Writes that 'it cannot be contended that there is in man any absolute tendency to vice alone. Man will frequently follow his passions into guilt [...] but this is not general. Such a principle carried to any extent would destroy natural society, and root out the human race. [... M]an is a kind and beneficent animal, in the savage state'. Observes: 'the London journals of one month frequently record more atrocities than would be heard among all the savage tribes of America in twelve'. (719) Argues that '[t]his is not a natural disposition. The disposition of man is to associate for mutual benefit, on a larger or a smaller scale of protection. The savage attacks none but his avowed enemies'. Observes that 'Ireland is an example of the horrid consequences of barbarising mankind, which results from the hand of oppression bearing unevenly upon the mass of the population'. (720) Discusses at length the role of excessive taxation of the poor and mis-government in forcing the masses into criminal activities. |
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