Succession of the Duke of York
Genre: | Miscellaneous, News-Commentary |
Subjects: | Disease, War, Astronomy |
Discussing the impoverished state of former seamen of the Royal Navy during peacetime, states that they 'are now the pity of those foreign enemies, who have so often shrunk in terror from the vigor of arms now palsied with famine and disease; and from the lightening of those eyes in which then sparkled the national vengeance, but which now scarcely emit the lambent flame that fortels approaching dissolution'. Comments on Frederick, Duke of York's attempted resignation as Commander-in-Chief of the Army that 'His own sense of propriety which induced him to tender resignation, is a much safer guide for his conduct, than the opinions of men who may even now begin to offer incense to the star which it is possible may follow in ascension the present sun'. (754) |
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