Grounds for Resisting the Ministry
Genre: | Miscellaneous |
Subjects: | Politics, Epidemiology, Medical Treatment, Quackery, Menageries, Natural History |
Considers the present administration to form 'a political plague, which extinguishes all patriotism, all virtue; and the contagion of their pestilential influence penetrates into every recess'. Asserts that, if they are 'permitted still to prescribe for our maladies, there is no alternative but death. Like impudent quacks they will proceed until the tomb shall have silenced their patients. Under their guidance, we can have no resource, but to dig "ourselves dishonourable graves"'. (98) Observes that the nation despises them, but it should be 'upon its guard to prevent them from doing mischief'. Continues: 'We may laugh at the idol [sic] pranks of monkies, in the open forest; but we chain them, when we introduce them into scenes, where their antics would be dangerous to what is of more value than themselves'. (99) Speculates that the ministers may soon claim that 'they are a part of the constitution, and that to petition for their removal is to overturn the constitution'. Observes: 'it is said, some learned L. L. D. and A. S. S. is already at work to prove that caterpillars that eat up the leaves of the gooseberry bushes, are an essential part of the constitution of such gooseberry bushes'. (101) |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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