Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine,  1 (1817), 394–98.

Remarks on the Diseases Lately Prevalent in Edinburgh





Disease, Health, Nutrition, Class, Epidemiology, Vaccination, Medical Treatment, Medical Practitioners, Hospitals

Institutions mentioned:

Edinburgh Royal Infirmary , New Town Dispensary, Edinburgh

Publications cited:

Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal

    Reports that since 'the draining of the marsh which existed to the south of the town' the 'Intermittent Fevers or agues' brought on by 'marsh miasma' have 'almost entirely disappeared from the town. Examples of this disease are here now extremely rare, except when excited by exposure to the cold in those who have formerly been affected with it'. Continues to describe symptoms and treatment of ague as well as the prevalent 'synochus, or common continued fever', which 'seems to prevail in all parts of Britain, particularly during the summer; and is accordingly denominated by some physicians as the Summer Fever'. (394) Gives a detailed account of the prevalence, symptoms, treatment, prognosis, and possible causes of 'Typhus or Nervous Fever' and 'malignant typhus' (395). This is followed by a brief account of the relatively rare occurrence of scarlet fever and whooping cough. Later states: 'the practice of vaccination is very generally adopted by all classes of the community; in consequence of which the town enjoys an exemption from small-pox to an extent, I believe, unknown in any town of equal magnitude in Britain' (398).

See also:


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