[William Laidlaw?] *
Genre: | Reportage, Literary Gossip |
Subjects: | Crystallography, Discovery, | Natural History, Biogeography, Geology, Stratigraphy | Astronomy | Medical Treatment, Disease | Vivisection, Physiology | Mineralogy, Chemistry, Light | Chemistry, Light, Metallurgy |
People mentioned: | Alexander von Humboldt, Friedrich W Bessel , David Brewster, William F Edwards, Edmund Davy, Humphry Davy |
Institutions mentioned: | Institut de France, Paris |
Publications cited: | Journal of Science and the Arts |
Gives an account of 'a very important discovery [...] made in crystallography by J. F. Daniel,Esq. F.R.S., which seems to give support to the theory of spherical atoms, first suggested by Dr Hooke, and afterwards ingeniously supported by Dr Wollaston' (218). |
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