William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, and Philosopher. Essays on the Man, the Work, and the Time. 3—A Long Ladder, and Hard to Climb [3/9]
[George A H Sala]
Genre: | Essay, Biography, Serial |
Subjects: | Museums, Collecting, Monstrosities, Instruments |
Institutions mentioned: | British Museum , Royal College of Surgeons—Hunterian Museum , South Kensington Museum |
Compares 'our magnificent museums in Great Russell Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields and Brompton' with the 'queer, almost silly things, exhibited' in the 1720s. The 'rarities [...] set down with a ponderous, simple-minded solemnity' in a 'Royal Society catalogue' of the time include 'a dog without a mouth; [...] a bird of paradise' and 'a burning-glass contrived by that excellent philosopher and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton'. (424) | |
Reprinted: | Sala 1866 |
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