Cornhill Magazine,  6 (1862), 71–81.

The Frenchman in London

[Henri A Esquiros]




Progress, Railways, Telegraphy, Zoological Gardens, Museums, Government

    The huge metropolis of London is uniquely interesting to a foreign visitor as it is the only 'city crossed from end to end by railways, under-ground or above-ground, and by a nervous system (so to speak) of electric telegraphs' (75). Notes that several 'museums of science or of the useful arts exist in London, such as the Zoological Gardens', and suggests that a 'characteristic feature of some of these institutions is that they have been set up and are still maintained without State intervention'. While 'in France, our Jardin des Plantes and our Museums are public', in London there is no such 'generous management' and the foreign visitor to the city must get used to 'paying at the doors for admission'. (79)

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