Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine,  3 (1854–55), 265–71.


Edgar Allan Poe


Short Fiction


Psychology, Astronomy

People mentioned:

Joseph Glanvill

    The protagonist is excited by one anomaly of the 'science of the mind' overlooked by the 'schools'—the tendency to find ourselves, while trying to recall a long-forgotten memory, 'upon the very verge of remembrance, without being able [...] to remember' (266). Compares the 'sentiment' he feels towards Lady Ligeia to that experienced on scrutinising various natural phenomena, including a chrysalis, 'the falling of a meteor', and two stars in the constellation Lyra. Astonished by Ligeia's learning, he asks 'where breathes the man who has traversed, and successfully, all the wide areas of moral, physical and mathematical science?'. (267)

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