Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine,  7 (1858–59), 368–72.

A Surgeon's Advice to Mothers: On the Rearing, Management, and Diseases of Children  [9/9]



Essay, Serial


Medical Treatment, Human Development, Disease, Pathology, Physiology, Nutrition

    Continues the discussion of children's diseases with an account of the pathology and symptoms of scarlet fever. Proceeds to describe the symptoms of, and treatment for, 'hooping-cough', noting the fact that it is a 'spasmodic disease' whose symptoms are easily imitated by people in the locality of the sufferer and which can be treated by suddenly starting or diverting the mind of the person in the act of coughing (369). Describes the pathology and symptoms of, and the treatment for, croup, 'by far the most formidable and fatal' of all infantine diseases (369). Goes on to describe the nature of, and treatments for, diarrhoea, scalds and burns, bleeding from the nose, and bruises, lacerations, and cuts. Concludes with a description of 'baths and fomentations' for producing 'a stimulating effect over the entire, or part of the system' and for relieving such problems as the 'accumulation of blood in the internal organs' and 'difficulty of breathing' (372).

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