Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine,  7 (1858–59), 268–72.

A Surgeon's Advice to Mothers: On the Rearing, Management, and Diseases of Children  [6/9]



Essay, Serial


Medical Treatment, Human Development, Health, Gender, Mental Illness, Disease, Vaccination, Physiology, Pathology, Pharmaceuticals

    Concludes its discussion of teething and the possible medical conditions that it can cause, and describes operations on the gums. Goes on to discuss the characteristics of convulsions or 'infantine fits' and advises on the best course of treatment (268). Rejects the idea that children 'should, or must have, certain successive diseases, such as scarlet fever, measles, small-pox' so that they will be protected against such diseases second time around. Points out that 'even vaccination is not an infallible preventive against small-pox' and notes cases of a repetition of diseases in the same person. Describes, in a semi-technical way, the 'pathology' and symptoms of thrush. (269) Gives detailed advice on treatments for thrush, pointing out that 'it is always best to begin physicking through the parent' and that while 'very little medicine is needed' to treat the disease, warm baths and change of diet can benefit it (270–71). Opens a discussion of 'Eruptive Fevers', such as chicken-pox and cow-pox, which it regards as of pathological significance and of considerable importance to the constitution (271). Details the symptoms of, and treatment for, chicken-pox.

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