Art. XIX. [Review of L'art de rendre les revolutions utiles, by J Esprit Bonnet]
[Thomas Brown] *
Genre: | Review |
Publications reviewed: | Bonnet 1801 |
Subjects: | Politics, Medical Treatment |
J Esprit Bonnet applies his 'revolutionary science' to ancient Rome and other situations. The reviewer observes: 'The idiosyncracy [sic] of such a constitution [as that of Rome] certainly affords no room for analogical inference [...] and to reason from its destiny, as to the utility of revolutions and counter-revolutions, in general, is like judging of the qualities of a drug, by its operation on a paralytic or an idiot' (123). Uses further medical imagery. Bonnet's 'recipe for preventing revolution seems to indicate a bolder practice [...] than his system of cure'. Paraphrases Bonnet as claiming that 'The philosophy of modern times has infected the throne itself', insofar as kings 'tacitly recognize the sovereignty of the people'. (124) |
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