Harper's New Monthly Magazine,  8 (1884), 970–73.

Editor's Historical Record



Regular Feature, News-Digest

[1] Science and Progress


Societies, Human Species, Anthropology, Alchemy, Metallurgy, Chemistry, Medical Treatment, Ancient Authorities, Meteorology, Animal Husbandry

    Announces that the 'great scientific event of the month' was the 'great and gratifying [...] success' of the 'meeting of the British Association at Montreal'. To the 'unscientific public, Mr. E. B. Tylor's learned address was most of interest, for his topic was Man, the proper study of us all'. Discusses the 'part played by mercury in the alchemy and materia medica of the Chinese', whose 'views on the transformation of metals into ores and ores into metals by heat and other means took the form of a chemical doctrine about a century before Christ'. (972) Reports that the Imperial Academy of St Petersburg has proposed to 'form a special committee for the concentration of all observations on meteorology, magnetism, rainfall, and thunderstorms, which are now made at different public and private establishments' (972–73). In New York 'Warehouses for the storage of cold air' have been established, from which 'cold air will be served through pipes to any part of the city', and to 'stalls furnished with perishable articles' in particular. Advises 'Carp breeders' to 'wage war' on the bladder-wort, a 'greedy plant' that 'sucks up and destroys carp eggs, as well as small insects'. (973)

[2] Obituary



People mentioned:

George Bentham

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