Last Days of, and Rough Notes on, 1828
Genre: | Essay, Drollery |
Subjects: | Disease, Astrology, Progress, Periodicals, Steam-power, Steamships, Machinery, Publishing |
Observes: 'Those versed in the lore of Francis Moore, physician, which must doubtless include most of our readers, are aware that our veteran friend, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, has been for some time in what is called a "galloping" consumption'. Describing predictions of impending war in the True Prophetic Messenger of 'Raphael' (Robert C Smith), relates: 'we have had comets and "rumours" of comets for many months past, while the red and glaring appearance of the planet, Mars, is as we have elsewhere observed, considered by the many a forerunner, and sign of long wars and much bloodshed'. (434) Comments on the progress of the 'march of mind'. Observes: 'We regret that we cannot chronicle a "Narrative of a first attempt to reach the cities of Bath and Bristol, in the year 1828, in an extra patent steam-coach, by Messrs. Burstall, or Gurney." The newspapers, however, still continue to inform us that such vehicles are about to start, so we may reasonably expect that Time will accomplish the long talked of event.' Also reports on the rumoured advent of steamers able to travel at 150 miles per hour, and apostrophises 'Oh, steam! steam! but this is well ploughed ground.' Comments on the progress of 'Art, science, and literature', wondering whether it will soon be a puzzle 'where to stow the books'. | |
See also: | ML1/12/325/4 |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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