Mirror of Literature,  9 (1827), 3–4.

Astronomical Observations for January



Regular Feature, Miscellaneous


Astronomy, Time, Piety, Wonder, Biblical Authority, Prognostication, Religious Authority

    Reflects on the passage of time and on the 'wonders displayed in the formation of the planetary world'. Reports that, according to Flavius Josephus, 'longevity was bestowed upon Adam and his posterity for the express purpose of improving the sciences of geometry and astronomy'. Reporting the recent observation of a comet, the writer observes: 'Some persons imagine that Comets are the forerunners of greatcalamities or evils'. (3) A postscript records that Galileo Galilei died on 8 January 1642, and reports: 'He was cited before the Holy Inquisition, and forced to abjure the Copernican or true system of the world.' It continues: 'After going through the humiliating ceremony, he stamped with his foot on the earth, saying, e pur si muove, "it moves notwithstanding"'. (4)

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