Punch,  10 (1846), 238.

Scratches at Nature with a Free Gillott: the American Eagle



Essay, Satire


Natural History, Ornithology, Animal Behaviour, Politics, Nationalism, Race

People mentioned:

Carl Linnaeus , Georges L Leclerc, comte de Buffon

    An attack on American policies couched in terms of a detailed description of the ruthless habits of the American eagle. Notes that the bird 'preys chiefly on the Oregon racoon [an allusion to British and American conflict over that state], the Texas opossum, and the green snake of California'. Adds that the bird is fatal to 'the large species of goose called Creditor', is 'partial to the flesh of negroes', has an 'antipathy' towards 'that noble animal, the British Lion', and has formed an alliance with that 'more valuable bird', 'the Gallic Cock'. Claims that 'many eminent naturalists' believe that the species is 'becoming deteriorated' and while the stars on its wing will diminish, 'the stripes' on its back will increase.

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