Manchester House Academy, and Political and Commercial School
Genre: | Advertisement, Spoof |
Subjects: | Education, Political Economy, Mathematics, Agriculture, Commerce |
Conducted by the radical statesmen Richard Cobden and John Bright, the 'Academy' seeks to teach 'tenant farmers' and 'landlords' such subjects as 'Political and Financial Economy' and arithmetic (taught by the 'eminent Accountant' Joseph Hume). Stresses that it seeks to convince 'Old Gentlemen [...] of the atrocity of Bloodshed and the emptiness of Glory; and to imbue their minds with those Pacific Principles, to maintain which is not only a matter of conscience, but also of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence'. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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