Punch,  19 (1850), 155.

Murray or Mac Hale



Essay, Polemic


Cultural Geography, Education, Anti-Scientism, Religious Authority, Astronomy, Medical Practitioners, Surgery, Charlatanry, Mathematics, Race

    Answering a question from an Irish Correspondent, attacks Patrick A Murray for cursing those who study such subjects as mathematics and astronomy 'with Protestants and heathens'. Oblique attack on the curriculum at Maynooth College, where the teaching of science, mathematics, and medicine is mixed with theology. Cynically advises 'you poor ragged Paddy' not to 'look at the stars through that villain, Lord Rosse's glass' but 'ask Father Tim to lend you a peep through his dirty old telescope'. In a similar cynical vein, regards the best medical advice to come from a 'chap from Maynooth who has learnt a little surgery along with his humanities'.

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