Punch,  21 (1851), 105.

From Our London Correspondent



Essay, Drollery; Polemic


Cultural Geography, Agriculture, Invention, Machinery, Astronomy, Religious Authority, Lecturing, Anti-Scientism

    Laments the fact that the wrongs England has inflicted upon Ireland are 'full and running over'. Points out that not only was the Crystal Palace 'raised by Irish skill' but that the exhibition commissioners have awarded a lucrative prize to an Irishman for inventing a steam-powered reaping-machine. Anticipates the consequent exultations of 'Saxon' farmers and the 'well-understood confusion' of the 'armies' of Irish reapers whose livelihoods will be destroyed by the machine. Continues with a description of the 'beautiful scene' of the Roman Catholic lecturer Daniel W Cahill, 'as an astronomical lecturer', trying to teach the 'bigoted Saxon' the 'principles of astronomy—as set forth by the College of Rome'.

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