Punch,  25 (1853), 168.

A Howl from the Hippopotamus

Hippo U Sadi U


Song, Drollery

Relevant illustrations:



C B, pseud.  [Edward Bradley] *


Animal Behaviour, Zoological Gardens, Amusement

    Written from the perspective of the hippopotamus at the Zoological Society Gardens, complains about the public's 'inconstant' interest in him and their preference for 'a nasty' American anteater. Explains that he put up with people's ignorance of his existence but will not accept competition from the anteater. Compares himself favourably with his competitor and wishes he could 'make myself a Fellow [...] Of this Zoological Society' to send the anteater 'back to his Ants, / Or to my French rival at the Jardin des Plantes'. The illustration shows black figures running away from a giant anteater wearing zoo-keeper's clothes.

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