Punch,  26 (1854), 11.

The Quack's Diary



Diary, Spoof

Relevant illustrations:

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Quackery, Charlatanry, Homeopathy, Hydropathy, Mesmerism, Animal Magnetism, Spiritualism, Astrology, Magic, Display, Temperance

    A monthly diary forwarded to Punch by 'Mr. Bucket' (a reference to a character in Charles J H Dickens's Bleak House). It records the author's participation in a wide range of 'quack' pursuits including his involvement in homeopathic organisations, teetotalism, and vegetarianism, his foundation of a 'Hydropathic establishment', his demonstrations of electro-biology, his fraudulent and highly profitable shows of mesmerism, 'Table Turning' and 'Spirit-Rapping', and his dubious work casting horoscopes. Illustrations represent the author's work as a hydropathist, mesmerist, and exhibitor of magic lanterns.

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