The Queen Visiting the Imbeciles of the Crimea
[John Leech]
Genre: | Illustration, Satire |
Relevant illustrations: | wdct. |
Illustrators: | John Leech |
Subjects: | Medical Treatment, War, Government, Hospitals, Nutrition, Charlatanry |
Shows Queen Victoria standing before three pathetic looking effigies. One, labelled 'Medical Department', consists of a bottle of medicine supported on wooden legs and crutches, with a balding, bespectacled head (probably a representation of the Director-General, Andrew Smith). Standing next to this is a figure with a pig's head dressed in the costume of a Royal Navy officer and bearing the label 'Routine'. The third effigy, labelled 'Commissariat ', has a turnip for a head, a box of 'Green Coffee' for its neck, and a set of shelves for a torso. These caricatures highligh the incompetence of the Army, the Royal Navy, and the Treasury Commissariat Branch in providing adequate medical and food supplies for the Crimean troops. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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