Ode to Lord Dundonald
Genre: | Poetry |
Subjects: | Military Technology, War, Disease |
Ponders the secret plan of Thomas Cochrane (10th Earl of Dundonald) to destroy the Russians and begs to know more about it. Describes the enemy as a 'Ferocious, cruel, wretched race / Of slaves' who 'compel us all to bear / Their own vile Tyrant's yoke', and notes that 'our sole concern' is now to 'quell the pest' and 'bane the vermin best'. Claims that by 'destroying' the Russians, 'Life [...] we save' and 'fewer tears will gush', and that whatever Dundonald's plan—'poison fumes, or liquid fire'—it should be revealed. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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