Punch,  31 (1856), 159.

Animals' Injudicious Friends

Willum Burn, Deler in vegebles settra


Letter, Spoof


Cruelty, Animal Behaviour, Crime, Cultural Geography

    The fictional narrator introduces himself to Mr Punch as Bil Burn 'which wollpd is donkey wot woodent go an was ad up afor the beke and Fine in consekwens'. Describes the punishments received by his friends for cruelty to animals and laments the fact that the situation was not more like that in France, where the 'Hemperer and Hemperess [...] ave been setin the Good Hexampel to their Subjiz' by attending 'that trewly rashanal and improvin Specktackle a Spannish bul Fite'. Having pointed out that both bulls and horses were killed after this spectacle, complains that 'in this onappy Kuntry u carnt wopp one Hoss evern to make im go without been Punisht for Cruelty', and wants Mr Punch to urge the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to 'not go on no longer a going of it the way they do'. Warns that the punishment for cruelty to animals threatens Anglo-French relations.

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