Punch,  32 (1857), 244.

Effects of the Comet's Shock



Reportage, Spoof

Relevant illustrations:



Astronomy, Extra-Terrestrial Life, Controversy, Quackery, Commerce

    Noting the impact of the 'Great Comet' on the earth, lists some of the beneficial effects of the event 'upon great numbers of persons'. These effects include William Whewell's visit to David Brewster. On arriving, Whewell 'sent up [...] a hope that whether other worlds contained matter or not, Sir David would come and take a friendly smoke with him'. Brewster allegedly ran down the stairs, dragged Whewell up to a 'whiskey toddy' and then 'drank confusion to the solar system, and everything else that set sensible men squabbling'. The effects of the comet also include the decision of Morison pill vendors to burn their stock and hang themselves. The illustration shows an old figure, whose head consists of the globe of the earth, crouching down to smell flowers. Above him flies a mace with a hat stuck to one spike—a spoof representation of a comet.

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