Punch,  32 (1857), [iii]–iv.




Introduction, Drollery

Relevant illustrations:

wdct. [3]


Astronomy, Superstition, Prognostication, Progress, Astrology, Telegraphy, Engineering, Steamships

    Describes the arrival in England of 'His Serene Highness', the 'Comet [...] accompanied by an odour of burned-out planets'. The comet informs Mr Punch that he has arrived to fulfil the fact that he 'was prophesised' and therefore did not want to 'disgrace Science which has been so fortunate in all her predictions of late years'. Mr Punch agrees, wryly noting the 'auguries' in which science has been 'happy', including the failure to predict George Stephenson's long-distance locomotive, 'Steam across the Atlantic', the failures of the Atlantic telegraph, and the SS Great Eastern. (iii) Illustrations show a comet with the head of Mr Punch, and another comet dressed in clothes arriving at and leaving Mr Punch's study.

© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020

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