Punch,  34 (1858), 233–34.

Punch's Essence of Parliament



Regular Feature, Reportage, Drollery


Quackery, Commerce, Medical Practitioners, Medical Treatment, Government, Politics, Pollution, Public Health, Sanitation

    Noting the second reading of William F Cowper's medical bill, Punch 'intends to move a clause empowering a Magistrate to order any Advertising Quack to be flogged, and branded with a Q', the only solution to 'the murderous system' of 'heartless traders'. Proceeding to report on the introduction of a poisons bill by Edward G G S Stanley (14th Earl of Derby), complains that two million Londoners live over a 'far worse poison'—the Thames. Urges that the river should be cleansed, a sewage system installed, and chemists' shops attacked. (233)

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