Punch,  35 (1858), 8.

Physicians and Surgeons Extraordinary





Medical Practitioners, Medical Treatment, Quackery

    Argues that the need for medical reform is illustrated by dubiously worded handbills from three medical practitioners: Dr Boden, who offers a machine for curing deafness, Drs Phillips (father and son), who puff their 'miraculous' 'Physiopatic or Natural system of medicine', and James Greer, who advertises his 'Genuine Hygeian Vegetable Pills'. Goes on to extract from and analyse Greer's advertisement, which calls for legislation to make his Scottish Hygeian Institution the equal of other medical colleges, and argues that God can 'work miracles by [the apparently humble] Dr. Greer' much as He 'wrought superhuman miracles by illiterate men'. Punch concludes by pointing out that the claims made in all these advertisements 'may be denied' and regarded as 'impudent lies', and calls on William F Cowper and other 'framers of medical bills' to be cautious in withdrawing the British public's protection from quackery.

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