A Short Phrenological Examination of a Head (Commonly Known as Sir Francis)
Genre: | News-Commentary, Drollery |
Subjects: | Phrenology, Periodicals, Cultural Geography |
Clearly an allusion to the writer Francis B Head. Describes the 'head' in phrenological terms, stressing its highly developed faculties of vanity and self-esteem and its 'proportionately small' organs of 'facts and dates'. 'There is one organ that is extremely prononcé and forward, and as it is not an English organ, we lean to the belief that it must be a French one. For the want of a name, we will call it the Moniteur [probably an allusion to the French newspaper called the Moniteur Universel]'. The Moniteur is described as an organ 'so overlaid with matter, not of the healthiest description, that it has usurped the place of nearly all the intellectual faculties'. |
© Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Project, Universities of Leeds and Sheffield, 2005 - 2020
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