Punch,  37 (1859), 220.

The House-Surgeon in Samaria




Publications reviewed:

Anon 1859


Hospitals, Medical Practitioners, Charlatanry, Gender

    Having received a copy of the annual report of the Samaritan Free Hospital, Mr Punch tempers the critical tone of PU1/37/20/1, noting that the hospital is 'excellent', although it has 'some ridiculous rules for the guidance of its House-Surgeon'. Observes that its 'Committee of Management' consists of honourable and educated gentlemen, who could not have composed the rules criticized by Punch, since they recognise that the 'one great use of a hospital' is 'the promotion of Medical Science for the public good, and to that end that the office of House-Surgeon ought to be a remunerative one, and the prize of knowledge and ability'. Noting that the matron is 'not an old woman', surmises that this will prove pleasanter for the house-surgeon.

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