Punch,  38 (1860), 188.

Seasonable Conversation



Dialogue, Spoof


Disease, Health, Meteorology

    Comprises a spoof conversation between a healthy man, Robustus Jones, and his invalid friend, Invalidus Smith. Written to convey his congested sinuses and cough, Smith's utterances reveal his alarming range of seasonal and other afflictions including 'violelt cold il by head', toothache, tic doloreux and 'brolchitis'. He details more of his symptoms and complains about the unseasonable coldness of the weather, dismissing Charles Kingsley's statement (upheld by Smith) that 'Nor' Easters [...] breed brave men' and the accuracy of quotes (taken from James Thomson's Seasons) portraying spring's 'Etherial mildness'. Smith finally invites Jones home for a fortifying meal, but Jones protests that he cannot taste anything.

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